Elliot Hong (26 Sep 2021)
"5 Reasons Why Simchat Torah Could Be It"

Dear Doves:

1) Fay interpreted the refloating of Ever Given on 3/29 as the Sign that God will perform another "Red Sea Miracle" soon.
     The next "Red Sea Miracle" will be the event that the Saints enter New Jerusalem as the spiritual realm opens. 
     In the previous letter, I compared the ritual of Simchat Torah to the Fall of Jericho which means to enter the Promised Land.
     Simchat Torah on 9/29 is the 7th month from 3/29.

2) Although the marriage covenant was given on Shavout, Jews believe that the wedding will be held during Sukkot.
     This is why they marry under Chuppah.
     6 years ago, Rabbis hung the wedding dress on the wall of the David's tower as they expected to have the wedding during Sukkot.
     If they find out that the Gentile Bride married the Messiah during Sukkot, it will make them jealous as it's written in Romans 10:19. 

3) Sukkah has a profound meaning than most Jews think.
     2 Corinthians 5:1-2 teaches the real meaning of Sukkah.
     "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with
       hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven" 
      If they find out that the Gentile Bride is transformed into the glorious body according to this Scripture, they will be shocked.

4) The Priests bring the water in a golden pitcher from Siloam for the Water Libation during Sukkot.
     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVZyZTkJFxQ (Pictures start at 0:33)
     Siloam means "Sent" and Jesus sent the blind man to Siloam to be healed.
     And as Jesus was sent by God The Father to do many miracles, the Remnant will be sent by the Lord to do the same miracles.
     When Jews find out all these Truths, they will have no choice but to accept Yeshua as their Messiah.

5) Although the final verdict is sentenced for each person on Yom Kippur, the execution will be carried out after Sukkot is over.
     And God of mercy is willing to change the verdict, if anyone repents before the last day of Sukkot. 
     Thus Hoshana Rabbah could be the day  that the midnight cry comes out, and the Remnant will be birthed on Simchat Torah.
     Genevieve Brazel received "Midnight Cry" "On The Third Day You Will Rise" and "Obama Is Here!"  on 5/28.
     It fits to 3 days from Hoshana Rabbah to Simchat Torah.
     Debra thought that her experience on 5/21 indicating Super Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse on 5/26.
    I found out that it's 133 days from 5/20 to Simchat Torah.
    100 represents Elect and 33 means Promise.
     The La Palma volcano eruption in 50 years on 9/19 could be a 10 Day Warning.
     The Lord told that My Timing Is Perfect.
     I wonder whether there will be more perfect time frame than this.

Hopefully this theory becomes a reality this time.