Chance (26 Sep 2021)
""Dark Winter" - 2001 And Now"

Hello John and Doves,
Biden, Fauci, Soros, Gates - evil has many faces.
THEY are back to using the phrase "dark winter".  Threatening us yet again!
Biden, during his debate with Trump in 2019, referred several times to a 'dark winter'.  Then in 2020, Biden used the phrase again If we don't mask up, social distance...we'll be sorry.
Now Fauci is using that phrase.   "Dr. Fauci said the US will face a "dark winter" unless Americans stop making the Covid vaccines a political issue and just get jabbed.  Fauci said the US can avoid a "dark winter" if Americans get vaccinated to a "very high degree" within the next couple of months."
Fauci Says US Will Face "Dark Winter" Unless Americans Get Vaccinated to a "Very High Degree" (AUDIO)
Personally, I don't see any 'politicizing' of this 'vaccine' - the people who don't want to take don't like it.  Period.  They don't care if it's Trump's vaccine, Biden's vaccine, the Democrats' vaccine, etc.  It's a BAD 'vaccine'.  They are seeing people injured and die from this vaccine.  They are seeing people get Covid AFTER being vaccinated and being hospitalized and die.  So exactly what good is this vaccine?? It's killing and maiming people.  The CDC is admitting this - their VAERS database shows this. 
The unvaccinated are seeing this happen with family and friends or hearing of this happening to people.
The only public health crisis now is that created by Biden/Fauci/CDC via "the vaccine".
Dark Winter refers to a smallpox exercise/scenario carried out in June 2001 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Johns Hopkins Center of Civilian Biodefense Studies, the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism.  This was a "senior-level war game examining the national security, intergovernmental, and information challenges of a biological attack on the American homeland."  Specifically:  SMALLPOX.  This exercise took place over 13 days.About the Exercise | Dark Winter
It was designed to investigate the challenges following a covert attack with the smallpox virus. 
Shining Light on “Dark Winter” | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
I would postulate that Covd-19 and the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine are 'the smallpox'....
In this exercise...the states restricted nonessential travel, food shortages were growing, the national economy was suffering, people were fleeing cities and Canada and Mexico closed their borders to the U.S. (interesting that DHS says America's borders to Canada and Mexico are closed due to Covid.)  The public was demanding mandatory isolation of smallpox victims and their contacts.  (Many of the vaccinated, including Biden are demanding isolation and segregation of the unvaccinated).  In the exercise the government is demanding new vaccines and more isolation...(Biden's administration is demanding a booster shot and vaccination of the unvaccinated)
Look at what is happening in Australia to the unvaccinated: arrests, fines, relocation, the hacking of people's personal data/accounts, severely limited travel, curfews, quarantines, forced use of App that involves facial recognition and geolocation of people - with forced downloading of the app; even the killing of dogs - using the military and police. Australia introduces draconian measures to curb Covid-19, online crime
Here are two youtubes showing what's going on in Australia - the people want their freedom/lives back:

(630) Melbourne protesters outnumbered by police at Luna Park | 9 News Australia - YouTube'

(630) Protesters march against construction jab mandates in Melbourne - YouTube

(630) More wild scenes in Melbourne on third day of protests - YouTube
There were issues that came up in this exercise:  who would get the available vaccine and who wouldn't. Hospitals were flooded with sick patients.  Medical care was rationed.  Health care staff was experiencing shortages.  All of this imposed a huge burden on the health care system.  (Like what we have seen with Covid - except we have plenty of vaccine they want everyone jabbed with).
"State leaders wanted control of decisions regarding the imposition of disease - containment measures (mandatory vs voluntary isolation and vaccination), the closure of state borders to all traffic and transportation, and when or whether to close airports.  Federal officials argued that such issues were best decided on a national basis to ensure consistency and to give the President maximum control of military and public-safety assets....and number of federal leaders argued that the National Guard should be federalized."
They noted in this exercise that implementation of the above could result in "war between the federal government and the state government".
"...the President and other leaders in Dark Winter recognized the importance of persuading their constituents that there was fairness in the distribution of vaccine and other scarce resources, that the disease-containment measures were for the general good of society, that all possible measures were being taken to prevent the further spread of the disease and that the government remained firmly in control despite the expanding epidemic."
"The federal government HAS TO HAVE the cooperation from the American people.  There is no federal force out there that can require 300,000,000 people to take steps they don't want to take."
This exercise gave them items on how to 'get' cooperation from the American people.  Ways for the federal government to mandate 'cooperation from the American people and that's exactly what is happening here and in other countries:

Italy Orders Companies Not To Pay Unvaccinated Workers | ZeroHedge

New Federal ‘Mandates’ for COVID-19 Vaccination: What Do Employers Need To Know Now? | New York Law Journal
Biden Asks OSHA to Mandate Vaccines at Businesses With 100 or More Workers - The New York Times

 I see too many similarities with this exercise and what is going on with Covid/Covid-19 vaccine.
We were told in 2020 that we needed 70% of the public vaccinated for herd immunity - that would do it.  Now we're being told we need a "very high degree" of people vaccinated.  Why? What's that?  99%?  Including all children and babies??
THEY have a timeline - a deadline.  That they are pushing us to meet.  I don't know what will happen if we don't meet their two month deadline...but whatever it is, it won't be good.  Their gold standard PCR test is being pulled at the end of the year.  So they won't be needing those high/false positive Covid numbers.  Something is up.
This Dark Winter scenario ended with an anonymous letter demanding the removal of all US forces from Saudi Arabia and all warships in the Persian Gulf within 1 week.  If not there would be new smallpox attacks in the US as well as anthrax and plague.
Will our new 'Dark Winter' end with a letter from Xi demanding the removal of all US forces in the South Pacific and all warships in the South China Sea within 1 week?  If not there will be new Covid attacks in the US as well as the release of the second half of the binary vaccine weapon.  (Thus the push to get us all vaccinated and ready for activation of the binary weapon.)  This Covid is all about China.
Biden is in Xi's pocket.  It's China's Covid virus.  It's China's Covid mRNA vaccine.  Biden is Xi's president.  The House, the Senate, the DOJ, the FBI, many high tech companies and other corporations are run/controlled by the Chinese.  We are infiltrated to the gills.
Since China can't be trusted, I'd suspect they'd release all they have on the continental United States no matter what our military does, so they can achieve their 'bloodless victory' and take over of our agriculture and infrastructure with little damage and little resistance.  Just like they've been threatening to do.  (And since Biden has mandated all of our military to be vaccinated, our military will soon be compromised by China too.  How convenient.)
The country is full of traitors.  God has removed His hand of protection from America.  Our America will be in no position to help Israel during the Gog War or fight the Antichrist.
Is that two month deadline - China's red line in the sand for America?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!