Carl Worline (26 Sep 2021)
"Stepping Back to See the Big Picture"


Stepping Back to See the Big Picture


Many authors, including myself, have explored the most minute of details in our quest to determine the day and hour of the rapture.  Perhaps it is time to take a step back and try to see the proverbial “Big Picture.”

We are definitely in the period of time known as the End Times.  If the End Times officially began when Israel became a nation once again on May 14, 1948, and all End Time events must take place within one generation (Matthew 24), then we must be in the Last Days of the End Times.

The period of time known as the End Times has a shelf-life.  Psalm 90:10 tells us that a generation can be as much as 80 years if we are strong and healthy.  We also know that there is a 7-year long period of tribulation, referred to in the Bible as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, which occurs just before the return of Jesus at the very end of the End Times.  Lastly, the majority of Bible-believing eschatologists believe (and rightly so I might add) that the rapture occurs immediately before the tribulation period.  Therefore, the Rapture of the Church has to occur within the next few days or weeks.  It is now truly imminent in every sense of the word.

Evil is spreading throughout the land.  The lengthening shadows of the End Time darkness grow progressively darker each day.  They can no longer be ignored.  Everyone can perceive this tangible rising tide of evil.  It is alive.  It is very intelligent.  It is very, very ancient.  And it is very, very, very malevolent. 

Nowhere is the spreading of this supernaturally malevolent evil more evident than the worldwide COVID pandemic, along with its venomously poisonous “vaccine.”  The timing of this pandemic along with the absurdity of the entire scenario is proof positive that we are in the Last Days of the timeframe described in the Bible as the End Time (Daniel 12:9).

The Rapture of the Church could occur at any time.  However, based on what I have read in the Bible, God seems to act in a precise manner and in fulfillment of prophecy.  There is so much prophecy in the Bible about the Rapture of the Church that I wholeheartedly look for the actual timing of rapture to be in fulfillment of some combination of scriptural prophecy.

God gave us seven appoint days to be observed each year.  We are all familiar with these moedim.  I really expected the Lord to return on the Feast of Trumpets this year.  It is the next moed in the series to be fulfilled and it is the one that deals with the resurrection of the righteous dead.  That, by any other name or description, is the Rapture of the Church. 

Unfortunately, nothing happened this year on the Feast of Trumpets.  The official date for the Feast of Trumpets was September 6th thru 8th.  I was sitting outside looking toward the East when it was midnight in Jerusalem and nothing happened. 

Now I want to take a step back and try to figure out what went wrong.   

Jesus talks about the Rapture of the Church in Matthew 24.  Then in the very next chapter, Matthew 25, He talks about how 10 virgins went out to welcome the bridegroom.   The entire concept of the Rapture of the Church in the Bible is patterned after the Jewish wedding customs.  The groom did not show up when He was expected.  Half of the virgins did not have enough oil for their lamps and they did not fare well when the groom finally did show up.

The Hebrew calendar is not precisely aligned with the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.  Therefore, a month must be added periodically to compensate for this.  God gave us instructions in the Bible as to when to do this, based on when the barley crops are ripe for harvest and based on certain alignments in the heavens.  Apparently, an extra month should have been added to the Hebrew calendar this year and it wasn’t. 

If I am correct in my above assumptions, then the Feast of Trumpets will be October 6th thru 8th.  Prophecy will be fulfilled.  The Rapture of the Church will take place during this time period.

I should also note that I have been wrong many times in the past.  I could very well be wrong here as well.

I could be wrong about the month and/or the day, but I just cannot believe that I am wrong about the overall timing of the End Times in general.  Just look at all of the incredible warnings God has been sending our way.  Look at the freakish weather, the strange sounds from the skies, the animal die-offs, the uptick in the intensity and frequency of earthquakes and volcanic activity, rivers and lakes that have inexplicably turned blood red, the strange things going on in the heavens, and the timing of eclipses and blood moons, just to name a few.  Just consider the entire COVID scenario.  Likewise, just consider the seemingly daily attacks on the world’s food supplies.

Of all of the warnings and announcements from God that the greatest event in all of human history since the crucifixion is about to take place, the most spectacular is the Revelation 12 Sign.  This sign in the heavens was foretold in the Bible almost two millennia ago and it not only is about the Rapture of the Church, but it took place on the Feast of Trumpets in 2017.  God would not have devoted an entire chapter of the Book of Revelation to this event if this were not important.  Would it have happened on the Feast of Trumpets if that was not important as well??

In addition to all of the warnings that are coming to us directly from God, there are many other signs that we have reached the end of the End Times.  A few of the more significant signs include (but are certainly not limited to) the huge uptick in Christian persecution around the world, the emergence of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin as a step toward the prophesied one-world-currency, the loss of so many of our basic freedoms such as freedom of speech and privacy, the retreat I see going on of the world’s uber-rich into their apocalyptic super-luxurious underground bunkers, our tampering with the genetic code that is God’s blueprint for mankind making us in His own image, and the actual creation of life through artificial intelligence through which electronic machines are becoming self-aware living beings.

Even though the major players in Biblical End Times events continue to remain anonymous, I personally believe that the identity of some of these people is becoming apparent.

I strongly suspect that our current Pope is the False Prophet spoken of in the Bible.  I say this without regard to Catholic politics but based solely on the actions of this man since assuming office.  Anyone who declares that there is more than one pathway to the Father goes against everything that Jesus told us.  If the False Prophet is firmly entrenched in office, then the Rapture of the Church must be imminent. 

I also suspect, and this is just my own personal interpretation and opinion, that Joe Biden/Barack Obama are the sixth and eighth kings spoken of Revelation 17:10-11.  That would make Donald Trump the prophesized king who would only serve a short time.  It would also mean that Sleepy Joe Biden (or perhaps Barack Obama) is the anti-Christ.  If the anti-Christ is firmly entrenched in office (as President of the United States), then the Rapture of the Church must also be imminent. 

I will make note here that the government of the United States has taken on a particularly evil stench ever since Sleepy Joe stole the election and secured his inauguration in a capital surrounded by razor wire and 28,000 armed troops.

Those who worship Satan are crawling out from beneath the rocks they have been hiding under throughout the past centuries.  They can sense what is about to happen and they are now becoming emboldened enough to speak out in public. 

As I step back to gain a better perspective of the Big Picture there is one more category that captures my attention.  That final category is the horribly bloody murder of untold millions of infants that are still inside their mother’s womb.  What could possibly be more sinful, more depraved, and more offensive to our loving God???

We are living in the very Last Days of the timeframe known in the Bible as the End Times.  Those Last Days have a shelf life and that shelf life is nearing its expiration date.  Something really, really big is about to happen and it is going to happen very, very soon. 


If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come on you (KJV).  Rev 3:3.


Carl Worline

September 23, 2021