Angela (26 Sep 2021)
"Jan Markell: Convergence"

John and Doves,

Jan Markell of  in Minneapolis MN
gives her perspective on the Last Days events that are coming at us with frightening speed.

She comforts us with the fact that no matter how somber these events are, they are still in God's control. 

She stresses the fact that it may appear that everything is falling apart,  yet in actual prophetic fact, everything is coming together in convergence, just as God's Word told us it would.

And the more convergence of Bible Prophecy events, the more sooner Christ is coming to rescue His Bride (us) from the Great Tribulation period.
Revelation 3:10

We are not to fear, but "a perfect love of God casts out fear."
1John 4:18

We are to have power through the Holy Spirit;

we are to live by God's enabling agape-love;

And we must have our minds washed by the Word of God daily,  
and covered under the blood of Jesus Christ, in order to put on the mind of Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 2:16
2 Timothy 1:7

It's like what John the Revelator said on the Island of Patmos: 
"Even so, come Lord Jesus !! "....
meaning, no matter how bad it gets, God's beautiful green rainbow is at the end of it all, giving all of us His victory.
Revelation 4:3.