Angela (26 Sep 2021)
"Amir Tsarfati needs healing; China takeover of Bagram Airport in Afghanistan."


John and Doves,

The adversary is attacking Amir big time. Amir is suffering much pain from a hernia and 2 pulled muscles affecting the discs in his back. One can see the pain in his face.

Dear Father, in Jesus name please bind and rebuke the devils coming against Amir, and cover his hernia and all his infirmaties under the healing blood of Jesus Christ ;
and in your mercy please remove the agony and all pain from Amir.
May he not need surgery when he gets back to Israel .
We thank you in advance Father. Amen.

Here are the updates from Amir :
1. China has taken over our largest airbase, Bagram, in Afghanistan, and all that is contained within it. It is for Reconnaissance.China is very much in league with the Taliban.

2. America, through Biden,  has renigged on our pledge to Prime Minister Bennett of Israel ( just 2 weeks ago) to aid financially the Iron Dome System for defence in Israel. It was not included in Biden's budget.

Daniel 9:27 "he shall cause the....oblation (gift, aid) to cease"

3. Our Administration has already pulled our Patriot missiles out of Saudi Arabia.

Through these recent actions, we have lost 2 major allies in the Mideast....Israel having the top priority.

I believe God is allowing this so that the only shelter Israel has is Almighty God, and that is the highest and most effectual help you can ever get.  

4. Amir hints at the economic collapse coming that will impact California greatly.
Across all of our nation many, many jobs will be lost involving all strata.

5. Amir warns that the church will become greatly divided in the coming days.

The world will be observing Christians closely to see our reaction to these soul-shaking events.
Will  we fear ? Or will we calmly and peacefully trust ? 

We are ambassadors in this world. This is a great opportunity to witness to others by our unshakable Faith...our cleaving to every morsel of God's Word through it all.

We will be on our knees.