Angela (26 Sep 2021)
"1.No Women in Combat; 2. General Mark Milley usurping military powers"

John and Doves,

1. No Women in Combat

Marjorie Taylor Greene, in a committee hearing on Drafting women in the military, asks the question:   "why "? 

There are already 17 million military men currently registered. 

This is strictly a political decision on the false premise of the equality of the sexes, which everyone knows is false, and it's trying to legislate political correctness.

Her speech is far better than I can convey. What I think is the BIG elephant in the living room is the fact that no one will mention-- and yet it is most 
obvious-- is the fact that behind enemy lines women will be sexually abused and raped.

And what about the moral standards in close quarters?

Marjorie Taylor Greene addresses these issue in a no-nonsense manner that needs to be heard by everyone in our nation.

"The judge is standing at the door."
James 5:9

2. General Mark Milley usurping control of U.S.

Expressed by both Marjorie Taylor Greene and also:

Pastor William Thompson
( )
explains in this video how the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen.Mark Milley, is
illegally usurping power over our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. 

He has not been voted for,
yet is grabbing to be the Commander in Chief over our Armed Forces.

Phone calls he has made to China calls for him to be investigated, removed and court martialed.
At the very least he should resign.

May we watch and pray over both of these two videos.

In these dark days, we are witnessing brave shining Lights proclaiming truth, at a time when most would prefer to look away.

Bob Dylan sang this song back in the late 50s / early 60s...
"How many times must a man turn away,
pretending he just doesn't
see ??"