Since it takes Seven Years to Replace Every Cell in Your Body, Does That Point to a Seven Year Tribulation following the rDNA vaccine?
The Apocalypse of John, now commonly referred to as the Revelation of Jesus Christ, calls both False Prophet ant the Antichrist, Beasts. Some have speculated this is because they are institutions and not individuals. However, various acts appear associated with distinct individuals. As such, they could be beasts if their genetic code is more that of an animal and not of a man. For such they could be incapable of salvation. For such was the world first destroyed by water because of the Nephilim corrupting the seed of Adam. For such it is believed the world will again be destroyed, this time by fire.
Will the expected recombinant DNA Obamavirus vaccine rewrite human DNA to be that of a beast? Such would explain the complete incapability of being born again into the Kingdom of God for any who take upon themselves the Mark of the Beast.
At the end of seven years ones DNA in every cell could be completely rewritten. One could speculate that up to 3 ½ years into those seven years one would still be more man than beast. But who’s to say turning into a beast is based on percentage of cells converted? Who’s to say for that matter the vaccine acts on a linear timetable over those seven years rewriting the DNA? There IS NO PROVISION in the Bible given for salvation after taking the Mark of the Beast.
Ted Porter