Steve W (6 Sep 2020)
""Reply to John B Asteroid 2011 ES4 in 2028 Revelations""

            Hello Five Doves ! Incredibly you have done it again ! The fact that you are posting our
        2028 Revelation articles is triggering SIGNS and  confirmations of these 2028 Revelations !
         This time it happened by way of ASTEROID 2011 ES4, which passed by Earth on 9/1/2020.
   We give a big shout out to John B who posted about ASTEROID 2011 ES4 in this Five Doves article 8/30/2020.
                        On the exact same day Fives Doves posted our article on 8/30/2020 titled,
                  "Jesus Resurrection 5/2 + Solar Eclipse 2027 in 2028 Revelations"

    I need to point out I knew NOTHING about this ASTEROID until I read John B article on 8/30/2020, so this
        makes all the syncs below all the more incredible, because no one planned this it just happened !

                  Jesus told us there would be SIGNS in the HEAVENS near his SECOND COMING
                                        we are to be WATCHING for >  Luke 21:11 <
           So let's examine why this ASTEROID appears to have profound prophetic implications.

                                                               ASTEROID                        Astonishing amount of
           ASTEROID                               2011 ES4 was                        evidence  amassing 
        2011 ES4 was                               closest pass                           here for JESUS
        discovered on                                 by EARTH                            SECOND COMING
             3/2/2011                                      9/1/2020                                    9/30/2028
                  !....................3471 days...............!.................2951 days.................!
                                            ^^^^                                 ^^^^
                                                  ^^^^                    ^^^^
                                           Notice 3471 - 520 = 2951 !!
             This reveals a perfect sync          ^^
              with Jesus Resurrection date of 5/2  which we documented in detail in article of 8/30/2020
        on the exact same day John B article about the ASTEROID is posted by Five Doves 8/30/2020 !!
       There are many unique characteristics of an ASTEROID that scientists study and measure,

             so notice in the ASTEROID link it has an "observation arc" of FOUR DAYS !!!!
    In the Jesus Resurrection article we examine                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^
           in depth the dates of 4/28,    4/29,    4/30,   5/1,    5/2                ^^^^^^^^^^^
                                             ^^^  ,    ^^^       ^^^     ^^^ ,    ^^^                ^^^^^^^^^^^
                    For Jesus crucifixion,  3 days, 3 nights in,    Resurrection  ^^^^^^^^^^
                                                               the grave            date !!!!          ^^^^^^^^^^^
                                      This clearly reveals Jesus Resurrection was FOURTH DAY after his crucifixion !!!!
                                                                                                    In all FOUR Gospel accounts the
                                       story of the FIVE loaves and TWO fish is told as a prophetic revelation
                        of  Jesus Resurrection date of 5/2 !!!!
   Notice again in the ASTEROID link it has a "mean anomaly" of 351 degrees !!!
                                                perfect prophetic sync with Jesus 3rd and last 
                                                                     day in the grave being 5/1 !!!

 And notice in the link the ASTEROID has a measured "eccentricity" of .2422 !!!!
                       The incredible sync here is we talked about this number 2422 in the Jesus Resurrection 
      article in great detail because of how it synchronizes the 4 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSEs, including the
     two that criss cross the USA on 8/21/2017 and 4/8/2024. And Especially the 8/2/2027 ECLIPSE !!

     Here is exactly how it is posted in the Jesus Resurrection article of 8/30/2020....

      When the path of the USA TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE of 4/8/2024 intersects 
 the path of the USA TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE of 8/21/2017 it will happen at 
  Carbondale Illinois which is known as "Little EGYPT" !!
                                                                                                          TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE
                    So from the intersection zone                                                   passes thru
                      known as "Little EGYPT"    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EGYPT                                              
                of TWO USA SOLAR ECLIPSES                                                 LIBYA
                             on 4/8/2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1211 days >>>>>>>>>> 8/2/2027
                                                                               ^^^^                               ^^^^^^^^^
                                      prophetic sync to Daniel 12:11                              ^^^^^^^^^^^
                                            “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, 
                                and the abomination of desolation is set up,  there shall be 1290 days."
                  Besides Acts 2:10 the only other place in the entire bible where LIBYA and EGYPT 
          are seen together in text of a verse is here                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^
                   LIBYA EGYPT seen in text                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                           Daniel 11:43                                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                    !........2 vs to end of chapter 11 then            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                          over ^  to Dan 12:11   <<<<<<<<  Daniel 11:43  
                                                 So 2 X 1211 = 2422      TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE      
                                                                   ^^^^               path goes thru            JESUS SECOND
                   Total Solar Eclipse                       ^^^^              LIBYA  EGYPT               COMING
                            12/14/2020                          ^^^^                    8/2/2027                    9/30/2028
                                    !..................................2422 days..................!...........425 days........! ^^^^
                                   ^                                  ^^^^                          ^          425 vs 9:30 to 20:28
                               1211 days                        ^^^^                     1211 days             book of JOHN
                                   ^                                   ^^^^                          ^                          synced to 
                          Little EGYPT  >>>>>> intersection point <<<< Little EGYPT              Acts 2:10
                       Total Solar Eclipse                     ^^^^                  Total Solar Eclipse     LIBYA,EGYPT
                             across USA                       ^^^^                      across USA
                            8/21/2017                          ^^^^                        4/8/2024
                                   !.................................2422 days.......................!
       So we see all four Total Solar Eclipses synced in time lines, either 1211 or 1211+1211, And synced 
     by way of EGYPT and Little EGYPT !!  This syncs perfectly to Daniel 12:11 which is clearly revealing 
      the ALL  important 1290 days End Time  TIME LINE of the last days leading to Jesus Second Coming.
      And think about this 1290 minus 1211 =  79 !! From Daniel 9:27 where the 7 year Peace Treaty Covenant 
                        is made/signed its EXACTLY 79 verses to the "THE END" of the book of Daniel !!!!

     The Abomination of Desolation Daniel 12:11 is speaking of takes place at the 3 and 1/2 year half way
     point of that 7 year treaty. 

     Recently in the news ISRAEL has been making progress towards a peace treaty deal with the UAE
          Analysts agree this could be a stepping stone agreement that could put pressure on the 
        Palestinians to also sign a Peace Treaty agreement which could be the ONE that actually
        fulfills the Daniel 9:27 prophecy !!! According to the prophetic time line above we should be
        watching for this event some time in 2021 !!

     Notice again the ASTEROID has an "argument of perihelion" of 273.5 degrees....
                                                    In a non leap day year 9/30 is the 273rd day of year !!
                             In a leap day year like 2020 and 2028 > 9/30 is day 274 of the year !!
                 Notice the exact middle number between 273 and 274 is 273.5 !!!!  

                      Truly amazing the ASTEROID is identifying the 9/30 date this way because
     we have compiled an astonishing amount of evidence at this point,  and its ALL synchronizing 
   pointing to the SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!! 9/30/2028 !!!!!!!

More about the SPARTA QUAKE SIGN of Jesus Second Coming 2028 in these articles
More about JESUS SECOND COMING 2028 is in these articles.

God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome > <