Steve W (27 Sep 2020)
"!!! TRUMP wins 2020 Election coded in Bible Prophecy !!!"

           Hello Five Doves. 
                     I'm sure everyone knows by now 2020 is going to be one of the craziest USA ELECTION years
    in our history. With the potential fraud and delays from the millions of mail in ballots that will be cast
   this year, we may not know the official result of Presidential Election for days, weeks or months.

                  And there's so many other crazy scenarios that could play out around Election time.
    The popular polls all show JOE BIDEN winning at this time, but then again they all showed
    HILLARY CLINTON winning in 2016 as well. 

              So with all that said, we do believe its worth documenting this evidence below, showing 
     there's  strong evidence that DONALD TRUMP fits the prophetic typology of and OLD TESTAMENT
    story along with other striking numerical alignments in other parts of the bible, that appear
    to strongly suggest TRUMP will win re-election and serve a full 8 years as President.

           Even more important , the accompanying evidence that goes along with this is pointing 
       further into the future beyond TRUMP and 2020 with profound prophetic implications what will happen.
            To our knowledge no one has ever before brought this specific evidence to light.
                     So the prophetic revelation about TRUMP begins in this verse of the bible...

                                 "He ( ABDON ) had forty sons and thirty grandsons,
                                       who rode on 70 DONKEYS. He (ABDON
                                                 Judged ISRAEL for 8 years"
                                                           Judges 12:14

           Notice first his name ABDON synchronizes
                          with the name DONALD TRUMP...

          TRUMP was 70 years of age when he won election first time in 2016.
                     The word DONKEY is the symbol of the Democratic party, which is
            TRUMP'S political opponent !! ABDON's sons and grandson's riding on the
              DONKEYS  symbolizes the TRUMP administration's dominance over
                               the Democratic party in prophetic typology.

    Judges 12:14 is the only verse in entire bible to have 70 and "8 years" in text together, and
   TRUMP is only President to start at age 70 who could then serve "8 years" as President.
             Since ABDON served as JUDGE of ISRAEL for 8 years then in prophetic typology
                  DONALD TRUMP winning re-election will be 8 years serving as President !!
        Even adding the letters of his last name TRUMP = 88 syncs to the prophetic revelation here !!

                               Judges 12:14 is verse 374 of the book of JUDGES..
                                                      Notice 3+74 = 77
                     DONALD TRUMP will be age 74 at election time 11/3/2020.
                                       JOE BIDEN will be age 77 at election time 11/3/2020 !!
                               Add letters in JESUS = 74    ^^
                                      add letters in CHRIST = 77
       Now we see the 3rd person who's really in sovereign control of the outcome of this Election !!

         Notice after Judges 12:14 there's 1 verse to the end of the chapter 12,
                                                     then there's 25 verses in the next chapter 13,
                                                 then there's 20 verses in the chapter after that 14,
                                             then there's 20 verses in the chapter after that 15 !!!!
 These numbers synced can reveal two  ^^^^^^^^^^
                 significant dates, first being > 1/25/2020 < when DONALD TRUMP was President of USA,
                            and the other being  > 1/20/2025 < when DONALD TRUMP will finish his 8 yr term
      as President of USA and the next inauguration of a New President will take place that exact day !!!!!!!!

 In Jonathan Cahn's book "Paradigm" he lays out the evidence that HILLARY CLINTON is the
 prophetic typology of JEZEBEL in the Bible...And HILLARY CLINTON was not only DONALD TRUMP's
 last opponent in the 2016 Election, but she is clearly the embodiment of all the Democrats stand for.

                      "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman JEZEBEL
                             who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit
                                              sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols."
                                                                       Revelation 2:20

                                            This is the last place in the bible JEZEBEL/HILLARY is seen Revelation 2:20.
 Since Revelation chapter 1 has 20 verses this means we have a 20,20 sequence over to Revelation 2:20,
                                                     prophetically  revealing the year 2020 !!                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  LO and BEHOLD...                                                                                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
         Hillary Clinton                          Hillary Clinton           TRUMP vs BIDEN                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
            born on                                    birth date                 USA ELECTION                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
          10/26/1947  >>> 73 yrs >>>   10/26/2020                    11/3/2020                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                  !...............26664 days..............!..............8 days........!                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                      ^^^^^                                ^                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                          26664   divided  by  8  =  3333 divided by 74 = 45 !!!!         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                             DONALD TRUMP will be age 74    ^^             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          on Election day and this evidence strongly suggests he will remain 45th President of USA
          by winning the USA Election !!!!!!!!                                             ^^                   ^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                      From DONALD TRUMP                ^^                   ^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                         birth date 6/14/1946 its exactly  74 years      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                     to 6/14/2020 and from there its exactly 220 days
                                                                     to 1/20/2021 when he will be  !!!!!!! perfect sync !!!!!!!
                       sworn in again as the Elected President of USA       !!!!!!! Revelation 2:20 !!!!!!!
                           on the day of the inauguration ceremony !!!!

 LO and BEHOLD !!!!!!!                                          This verse prophetically
                                                                                  syncs to year 2020 !!
                                        From Revelation 11:3 back to Revelation 2:20 
                                                                       ^^^                       ^^^^
              This prophetically synchronizes             ^^^            ^^^
                         the exact date of USA ELECTION 11/3/2020 !!!!!!!

                                       From Revelation 11:3 back to Revelation 2:20
                                                         !'s exactly 138 verses.....!
   add the letters in his name DONALD TRUMP = 138 !!!!!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT !!!!!!!
         DONALD TRUMP's name perfectly synchronizes together in the book of Revelation
   the very scriptures that sync to the exact date of the 2020 USA Election !!!!!!!

   In this prior Five Doves article we also discovered more evidence of how DONALD TRUMP
                                          is prophetically synced to Revelation 11:3

  There is also this article which came out this past summer where a Jewish Rabbi shows he
          found evidence in the BIBLE CODES that TRUMP will win re-election in 2020.


 Many Christian leaders in the USA and especially many Jewish people in ISRAEL believe TRUMP is a
 modern day CYRUS !! In fact in ISRAEL they made a coin with CYRUS on one side and TRUMP on the other !!
 And that brings us to this verse in the bible...

                   "In the third year of CYRUS king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, 
        whose name was called Belteshazzar. The message was true, but the appointed time was long; 
                         and he understood the message, and had understanding of the vision.
                                                                Daniel 10:1

  This is the LAST TIME in the bible the name CYRUS is seen.  What's remarkable here is the verse right before
  this is Daniel 9:27 where the "COVENANT with MANY" is seen !!  Here in August , September of 2020 we have
  witnessed the TRUMP administration being the catalyst for the recent signing of the ABRAHAM ACCORD, initiating
  a peace process between the UAE, BAHRAIN and ISRAEL. By all appearances this looks like the beginning stages
  of the "COVENANT with MANY" coming together. TRUMP has even said he expects several more Arab countries
  to sign peace agreements with ISRAEL in the weeks ahead.
         So it seems logical since GOD has chosen TRUMP to start bringing together this all important END TIME 
      prophecy of the bible, he would have TRUMP win re-election to see to it Daniel 9:27 comes to complete
     prophetic fulfillment with the "MANY" countries entering into "COVENANT"/peace treaty with ISRAEL.

 One more point worth noting > <

             Supreme Courth Justice                            TRUMP / BIDEN
             RUTH GINSBERG died                             ELECTION DAY
                    on 9/18/2020.                                           11/3/2020
                                 !.........................46 days to.................!
                 BIDEN is attempting to be 46th President of USA.  
This alignment appears to be suggesting as a prophetical matter that the literal DEATH of GINSBERG,
               who was an ultra liberal and would have favored BIDEN winning as President,
                     is forecasting the POLITICAL DEATH of BIDEN on ELECTION day.

      And if the election results are unclear by election day and it comes down to a VOTE
       in the SUPREME COURT who becomes President , the Democrats just lost a critical
        ultra liberal ally in GINSBERG.

          Its almost like GOD has made his move to insure TRUMP is re-elected even if it has to
                           come down to a Supreme Court vote of who wins.

        Notice after ABDON there was only one more JUDGE of ISRAEL who was SAMSON.,the%20institution%20of%20the%20monarchy.

 This is prophetic typology strongly suggesting that there will be only ONE MORE USA PRESIDENT to 
        serve after TRUMP leaves office 1/20/2025,  until the SECOND COMING of JESUS in 2028 !!!!!!!!

          After Judges 15 the story of SAMSON goes downhill fast as SAMSON is deceived by DELILAH 
      and loses his power , then is captured by the Philistines. After TRUMP leaves office in 2025 we will
  be watching closely how this story of SAMSON synchronizes as prophetic typology for the fate of the USA.

      Judges 16 is where in verses 27 to 30 we read of
      the "about 3000 people DIED" when SAMSON brought down the "TWO middle PILLARS" of the Temple !!
   This story is prophetic typology for the "TWO PILLARS/TWO TOWERS" of NYC that were brought down
        and "about 3000 people DIED" on 9/11/2001 !!

                                                                  Judges 16 is chapter 227 of the bible.
    add letters in phrase "BABYLON is FALLEN is FALLEN" = 227
    This prophetic phrase "BABYLON is FALLEN is FALLEN" is seen three times in the bible in
                               Isaiah 21:9 and Revelation 14:8  and Revelation 18:2.

                   In this prior Five Doves article we lay out the evidence this prophetic phrase
                 "BABYLON is FALLEN is FALLEN"   involves a 3 PHASE Judgment starting with
                 Isaiah 21:9 >  PHASE 1 of 9/11/2001 > TWIN TOWERS Destroyed
             Revelation 14:8 >   PHASE 2 of 3/6/2009 > S&P 500 hit 666 its lowest low of 2008-2009 financial crisis.
          Revelation 18:2 >  PHASE 3 of 9/30/2028 > Will be executed at the SECOND COMING of JESUS !!!

 Articles about Jonathan Cahn's book HARBINGER II sync to 2028 Revelations

Special Article about HALLEY's COMET+CHAMBERLAIN KEY synced to 2028 Revelation

Special article about ARK of the COVENANT with COVENANT of MANY Dan 9:27 in 2028 Revelations

Special article about Dana Coverstone Statue of Liberty Dream

Articles about the prophetic SPARTA EARTHQUAKE SIGN pointing to Jesus Second Coming 2028.

More about JESUS SECOND COMING 2028 in these articles.