Jan Markell is a Jewish Christian (Messianic Jew) whose ministry is out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is a 54 minute video on the coming New World Order (global government) using the Covid-19 "crisis" as an excuse to bring it about! I am sending this email to everyone on my outgoing list, which includes a number of pastors. I truly hope that the pastors on my list will take the time to see this! Ezekiel 33:1-7 !!!!! Late in these End Times (72 plus years from the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948) people need to be warned about what is coming! Life is not going to be returned to the "normal" that we knew back in 2019 and earlier. We are approaching the Rapture and subsequent terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period. The question is not "if", it is now only "when". Very sadly most pastors want to put their heads in the sand and ignore the calamitous events that are happening in the world----- but then this does fulfill the prophecy of Matthew 24:39! The Bible is first and foremost a guide on the only way to have eternal life (only through Israel's Messiah), and then it is a guide on how to live our lives. But thirdly the Bible is a book of prophecies of future events, a huge number of which are about our time since Israel has returned as a nation after an absence of 2669 years as a free, independent people back to 721 BC when Assyria came down from the north and took the northern 10 tribes captive.
One note on another important prophetic topic. Israel and the United Arab Emirates have decided to be at peace and normalize relations. Other Arab nations are very likely to follow suit. After the upcoming Rapture, the antichrist will arrive on the global stage and "confirm the covenant with the many" (Daniel 9:27 King James Bible). This will be a FALSE peace among Israel, many Arab nations, and even other nations who will be a part of the Daniel 9:27 covenant. The FALSE peace will hold until the middle of the 7 year Tribulation Period, at which time the antichrist will go into the newly built Third Temple and desecrate it. The last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation is known as the Great Tribulation, a time of extreme terror and great loss of life globally, which will finally culminate with the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is none other than Christ!
This email is also going to all of my Jewish friends. I ask you------ is God a liar? Well, is He? If you reject Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and Isaiah 53 (entire chapter), then you are calling God a liar! These verses of Scripture were written between 1000 and 700 BC! The Bible (the Tanakh and the New Testament) are 100% accurate. Heaven and Hell are very real physical places. You MUST go to one or the other when your life here is over. The choice is yours! But there is only one way to get to Heaven, and that is through our Jewish Messiah, and through Him alone! There is no other way! I truly hope you make the right decision! At the very least if you find yourself still on earth after the Rapture, know that the Rapture is the proof that the entire Bible is true! And then you had better take heed! If you fear men, then you will reject God's truth in the Bible. But if you fear God, you will reject man's foolishness!