Neil Lipken (13 Sep 2020)
"FALSE peace coming soon to the Middle East!"

We are now more than 72 years into these End Times, and it is now time for the FALSE peace in the Middle East!   This is a powerful indication that the Rapture is drawing near, as the antichrist will appear on the global stage after the Rapture and "confirm the covenant with the many" (Daniel 9:27 King James Bible), thus beginning the 7 year Tribulation Period.   At the conclusion of the terrifying 7 years of tribulation, Jesus (Israel's true Messiah all along!) will bring the TRUE PEACE at the Second Coming!

We are living in THE most incredible time in all of human history!   And the Jewish people?   Spiritually blind as to what is happening!   And the churches?   Virtually silent when it comes to the topic of end time Bible prophecy!   But this fulfills a major prophecy in the Bible!   MATTHEW 24:39!

Back in 1980 I began teaching end time Bible prophecy, and I was teaching these very things as the Bible is 100% accurate, and I knew back then that we were living in the End Times!   The "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible (both in the Old and New Testaments) tells us that when we see Israel return as a nation, the generation that follows will see all end time events fulfilled!   And prior to 1948 the Jewish people had not been a free, independent people in their own land all the way back to 721 BC, 2669 years earlier (when Assyria came down from the north and took the northern 10 tribes captive)!

There are days that I smack myself silly with joy, knowing that the Rapture is now drawing close!   We do not know when the Rapture will happen, but we know that it is drawing close.   Much like when Christmas decorations go up around Thanksgiving, we know that Christmas is drawing near!   All the signs present now tell us that the Rapture is drawing near!   I truly hope that as many of you as possible come to know Israel's Messiah as your Lord and Savior, thus giving you your ticket in the Rapture to escape the terrifying times that will come upon the earth after the Rapture!


P.S.   If you are Jewish (as I am) and you are reading this, go and seriously study Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53 in the Tanakh (Old Testament)!   Written by our JEWISH prophets 1000 to 700 BC, these verses give us the identity of our JEWISH Messiah!   Surprise, it was Him all along!

P.P.S.   The "mask compliance" garbage (and it is garbage as paper and cloth masks do not stop viruses!) is actually a trial run on compliance and control.   Something much bigger is coming after the Rapture------  people will be forced to take a "mark" (a very small computer chip) in either their right hand or in their forehead in order to buy and sell (Revelation 13:16-18 King James Bible).   Anyone who takes the "mark" will then be bound to the "god of this world" (satan) forever, and when their mortal life is over they will go to Hell, and a thousand years later they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity!