Zoom is a China Surveillance Operation
"Millions of students across the world have been forced into Zoom classrooms. They sit in front of their computer for the designated class time, all the while being surveiled and observed by who knows what, from who knows where, while being electronically tethered to their device during the set classroom day/time. There have been many reports of pornography just showing up in random picture frames. "
Just like Tik Tok, ZOOM is a CHINA company.
CHINA is spying on each and every ZOOM call we make. In July 2020, President Trump banned Tik Tok from the United States because if its ties to China.
We need to do the same with Zoom, as well as immediately ban any government use of Zoom in the United States. No government meeting should EVER be conducted over Zoom. China is watching, listening, and recording."
Zoom is a China Surveillance Operation