John (6 Sep 2020)
"2300 from last general is 2020"

Hi John and Doves,

2300 Years from the last of the 4 Generals after Alexander calculates to the year 2020.

Daniel 8:14 KJV
And he said unto me, Unto two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.

Could this 2300 be 2300 years?

If so, when did it start?
The Goat is traditionally thought to be Alexander the great

Back up to Daniel 8:8
8The goat became very great, but at the
height of his power his large horn was
broken off, and in its place four
prominent horns grew up toward the
four winds of heaven.
9Out of one of them came another horn,
which started small but grew in power to
the south and to the east and toward the
Beautiful Land.

So, after the Goat, Kingdom broken into 4 horns, Then "from one of the 4 horns came another horn"

So, the 4 Generals after alexander

four of his generals: Cassander, Ptolemy, Antigonus, and Seleucus

The last 2 of these died in 282BC and 281BC

So, If "out of these 4 horns, came another horn", and the 2300 starts around here

281BC Plus 2300 = 2020

That is this year!

And the sucessor to the final General - Seleucus
successor, Antiochus I, entombed his father’s ashes in Seleucia, initiated (probably) the posthumous cult of his father, and ordered his veneration as Zeus Nicator.

Then there were battles between the Secleucus and Ptolomy empire for Jerusalem and Southern Syria, with control oscilatiing back and forth.

Below is the Impact on Jerusalem before and after this period

332 BCE: Jerusalem capitulates to Alexander the Great, during his six-year Macedonian conquest of the empire of Darius III of Persia.

320 BCE: General Nicanor, dispatched by satrap of Egypt Ptolemy I Soter and founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, takes control of Syria including Jerusalem a

315 BCE: The Antigonid dynasty gains control of the city after Ptolemy I Soter withdraws from Syria including Jerusalem

312 BCE: Jerusalem is re-captured by Ptolemy I Soter after he defeats Antigonus' son Demetrius I at the Battle of Gaza. It is probable that Seleucus I Nicator, then an Admiral under Ptolemy's command, also took part in the battle, as following the battle he was given 800 infantry and 200 cavalry and immediately travelled to Babylon where he founded the Seleucid Empire.

311 BCE: The Antigonid dynasty regains control of the city after Ptolemy withdraws from Syria agai

301 BCE: Coele-Syria (Southern Syria) including Jerusalem is re-captured by Ptolemy

the victors Seleucus I Nicator and Lysimachus had carved up the Antigonid Empire between them, with Southern Syria intended to become part of the Seleucid Empire. Although Seleucus did not attempt to conquer the area he was due, Ptolemy's pre-emptive move led to the Syrian Wars which began in 274 BC between the successors of the two leaders.

200 BCE: Jerusalem falls under the control of the Seleucid Empire following the Battle of Panium (part of the Fifth Syrian War) in which Antiochus III the Great defeated the Ptolemies.

Lets check this timing possibility later in Daniel
Dan 8:21

21The shaggy goat is the king of Greece,
and the large horn between his eyes is
the first king.
22The four horns that replaced the one
that was broken off represent four
kingdoms that will emerge from his
nation but will not have the same power.
23"In the latter part of their reign, when
rebels have become completely wicked,
a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue,
will arise.

So the last of the four horns dies in 281BC
281BC + 2300 = 2020
The Next in Line in the Seleucus takes over in 280BC
(He buries his Father and sets him up as Zeus then battles for control of jerusalem over the next few decades)
280BC + 2300 = 2021

So, could the 2300 be Days which could be years?

Daniel 8:3–14 NIV
14He said to me, "It will take 2,300
evenings and mornings; then the
sanctuary will be reconsecrated."


New King James Version
And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”


and he said
to me
Two thousand
and three
then shall be cleansed
the sanctuary

Checking where else the Hebrew is used,
Evening.. seems to mean "Evening"
Genesis 1:13
NAS: There was evening and there was morning,

Days.. (the hebrew word for), often translates to morning.
Exodus 14:27
NAS: to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians
KJV: to his strength when the morning appeared;
INT: and the sea appeared daybreak normal Egyptian

Leviticus 7:15
NAS: any of it over until morning.
KJV: he shall not leave any of it until the morning.
INT: any until morning

OK, so it's a stretch that the 2300 could be years.
But if it is, then Maybe that calculation comes to 2020/2021.