Jerry Taylor (27 Sep 2020)


Well, here's some more interesting speculation. Three years and sixteen days starting on Sept 23, 2017 puts on Oct 9, 2020. Hoshana Rabbah is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles and it begins sunset Oct 8 to sunset Oct 9, 2020. Additionally, 1111 days after Sept 23, 2017...Oct 8, 2020, again Hoshana Rabbah. 1111 has been chasing me for the last 20 years and I couldn't figure it out. It always felt important to me. September 23, 2017 – October 8, 2020 - 1,111 days! Hoshana Rabbah is literally THE LAST DAY of every Feast calendar year. Jesus said He would raise us up on THE LAST DAY.  Per Pastor Dana’s dreams I believe the rapture to be between September 28, 2020 and October 11, 2020.  Only one time in the Old Testament will you find the words "the last day." They are found in Nehemiah chap 8 and they refer to the last day of Feast of Tabernacles...Hoshana Rabbah!