Jean Stepnoski (20 Sep 2020)
"Yom Kippur: Anah or Tsum?"

   The Hebrew word anah was used by Abba Father when instructing how to behave on the rehearsal of Feast of Elohim # 6 called Yom Kippur. Anah means “humbling one’s soul.” Not body. It does NOT mean fast or fasting.. The Hebrew word for fast is tsum. According to Strong’s h6907, anah appears 79 times in the Tenach, the Hebrew Scriptures. Anah refers to the context of a marriage or oath in Numbers 30:13.  It reminds us of the humble loving spouse submitting oneself in love, obedience, and service to the beloved marital partner. It also refers to loving service to others less fortunate than oneself in Deuteronomy 8: 16. Like whom? The poor, the widow, and the orphan are examples. In the 79 instances, none relate to fast, to fasting.


  After all, Yom Kippur is one of The FEASTS of Elohim. A feast day. Not a 24 hour dirge and fast day.  Fasting on Yom Kippur is way off track from Divine Intention. A KEY to understanding this special day is Anah, not tsum! Yom Kippur is a shadow picture of the Messiah, a rehearsal, a Divine Appointment. Leading to what? Yom Kippur is about The Wedding Day of the Messiah! True Spiritual Themes of Yom Kippur include JOY and Royal Divine Wedding. Not fasting. Not infliction upon the body of deprivation and suffering. Not mourning. Not dirge. Not solemnity. Humility is meant to be in the spirit, the experience of ANAH! Anah has been so very misunderstood. Tragic complications.


   Previously, 10 days earlier on Yom Teruah, has been the annual Eager Anticipation and Watching for The Arrival of The Great Royal King, The Beloved Redeemer, The Perfect Groom. Then, after the completion of The 10 Days of Awe, and 40 Days of Teshuvah is THE ARRIVAL AND FULLNESS OF JOY IN THE MESSIAH! Joy in His Wedding. Joy in His Marriage. In The Scriptures, the 40 something is NEVER CUT SHORT. ALWAYS IS COMPLETE! This year, the 40 Days of Preparation of Teshuvah are Invaluable. In 2020, THIS may be the most important Period of Teshuvah of our lives!


   Will the Son of Man arrive some year on Yom Kippur? Will that indeed be The Wedding Day of the Messiah? Will we hear soon the celestial Great Trump on The Day of The Blessed Hope? Yom Kippur in 2020 will be 9-27 to 28, from a Sunday evening at sunset to a Monday evening at sunset.  Blessed be the wonders of The Days of Awe before us!  Blessed be Anah!





With Love and Shalom,
