Greg Wilson (6 Sep 2020)

Greg Wilson  (6 September 2020)



I am highly critical of all copyrighted bibles, including, but not limited to, the NIV and NASB.  Look at the forward pages of these bibles.  Do you see a copyright “©” mark?  I am going to explain the legal meaning of this mark.  It is a bold mark which says, as a matter of law, that the contents of the book are not God’s words.


All of my biblical studies have been confined to the Authorized Version of the King James Bible because it originates from the “majority text” or 95% of all historical biblical manuscripts in existence.  As a lawyer, I have been trained to follow the evidence.  All bibles since 1881, except the KJB, originate from the “minority text” or 5% of all historical biblical manuscript evidence.


It is the majority text, the preponderance of evidence, which must be followed.  God’s words, which are active and alive[1], are represented in the majority text.  The majority text constituted the Bible text of the Reformation Church.  God's words are like fire.[2]  Figuratively, fire consumes with great heat and spreads out growing continuously until it is quenched.  God's fire, expressed in the majority text, necessarily must prevail over the minority text.


The minority text is the bible of the Vatican manuscript.[3]  What did the Vatican’s papal powers do to the Reformation Church?[4]  The minority text persecuted the majority text.  The minority text burned the majority text at the stake for blaspheme against Rome.  Why?  Who would be the persecutor of God's words?  Who would diminish the divinity of Christ? Who desires to ascend to the throne of God?[5]


In God’s sovereignty, the simplicity of His salvation doctrine is clear in these minority text bibles.[6]  However, the searching and studying of biblical doctrine and prophecy in minority texts will lead you into error.  These errors are typically manifested in all sorts of replacement theology and doctrinal confusion.  They are the principal sources for all Church denominational divisions and faulty eschatology.


THIS ESSAY IS CONTINUED ON THE ATTACHED ADOBE DOCUMENT.  It is 18 pages and contains  137 Bible footnotes in support of the claims made by the author.


[1] Hebrews 4:12

[2] Jeremiah 23:29

[3] The 1881 Revised Version bible, the basis of all new age bibles, is derived from the minority texts of Vaticanus, Alexandrinus and Sinaticus.

[4] See Fox’s Book of Martyrs:

[5] Isaiah 14:12-14

[6] Note:  This is a true statement unless Jewish kingdom doctrine is substituted for or added to Pauline Christian salvation doctrine.  Jewish Kingdom salvation doctrine is based on works and faith, whereas, Pauline Christian salvation doctrine is based upon faith alone, apart from works.