Greg Wilson (27 Sep 2020)
"Re: Fay (20 Sept 2020) Reply to Greg W"

Re: Fay (20 Sept 2020) Reply to Greg W

“All noise and conjecture”




Gap between Daniel 9:26 and 9:27:


Please refer to the article that I posted in response to Garry B on September 20.  It is titled Covenant Time.  My essays are full of scripture citations which I believe moves the propositions from pure speculation to reasoned arguments.  There is substantial divine precedent for time gaps in God’s counting  methods.


The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is seven (7) years.   Daniel’s last week of  Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy  (Daniel 9:27) is one (1) week of years or seven (7) years.   Great Tribulation is the last 3.5 years of that period. (Daniel 12:6; Revelation 12-6-7, Matthew 24:15-16)   A temple will exist in Jerusalem at the time Great Tribulation begins.  This is the literal understanding of Daniel 9:24 and Matthew 24:15-16)


In Daniel 9:26 the prophecy of temple destruction occurred in 70 A.D.  This completed the prophecies of Daniel 9:26.  This happened in the gap period.  If you read my paper on Covenant Time you will understand the reasoning and biblical support for the gap.  Israel was out of a covenant relationship with God after the nation’s 30 A.D. Nisan 10 rejection of Messiah.   Covenant time was suspended.


The Daniel 9:27a “he” is God in Christ who confirms the balance of the Abrahamic promises during Daniel’s week.  This dispensational change follows the Resurrection/Rapture of the Church.


Jesus’ exact birth year is unknown.  His crucifixion occurred in 30A.D. based on Roman accounts.  Forty years later (Jewish time of testing) the Temple was destroyed and Jewish nation dispersed as per Deuteronomy 29.


The Lord’s ministry was longer than 3 years and shorter than 4 years based on the Vinedresser parable of Luke 13:6-9.


Daniel 9:24 is specific:   It was not 70 years.  It was 490 years.   483 years transpired with the crucifixion of Messiah. (Daniel 9:26)  Israel has never managed its relationship with God.   He married Israel at Sinai and gave her papers of divorce. (Jeremiah 3:8)


Fast forward to the future:  Jacob, based on biblical typology, has two seven (7) year periods of trouble.   Study his trouble with Laban and see the pattern.  Israel’s end of the age trouble with the Satanic Nazi’s was a 7 year time of trouble which triggered the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine circa 1947-1948.  Israel has another 7 year period of trouble, 3.5 years of which will be Great Tribulation.  The remnant nation of Israel will finally get Jesus!


God may defer his actions:   The seventy year periods from 1948-2018; 1949-2019; 1950-2020 have all been good candidates for the Church age to end based on God’s use of 70 year patterns with Israel.   Daniel, recognizing that God could extend the 70-year Babylonian exile says: “O Lord…defer not”.


In closing, I say this:   (I Peter 1:9-11)


Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

10 Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:

11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.


God expects us to be watching and searching.  Afterall Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy begs a counting, just as the Feast of Pentecost.


If you wish to respond to me, I would appreciate biblical citations.  The words of God go a long way to support our views.  It helps our community (fivedoves) learn how to analyze the Scriptures.  It is of a great more value that a site which acts as a  news digest.