Greg Wilson (13 Sep 2020)
"Reply to Donna Danna/Jerry Taylor-Israel Established/Timeline"

Donna and Jerry:  Since we want to be precise, I will add my two cents.


Phase I.      The United Nations authorizes partition of Palestine.


On November 29, 1947, the United Nations ("all the trees" of Luke 21:29 fig tree parable) authorized the partition of Israel into a separate Jewish and Palestinian Arab states.  This was done at the request of Great Britain which had been given a mandate to govern Palestine following WWI.   GB wanted out of the mandate.  That was the purpose behind the U.N. Partition Resolution.   The GB mandate ended.


Phase II.     Israel Declares Independence: May 14, 1948


Israel declared independence choosing the name "Israel".  The last two paragraphs state: “WE APPEAL to the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora to rally round the Jews of Eretz-Israel in the tasks of immigration and upbuilding and to stand by them in the great struggle for the realization of the age-old dream - the redemption of Israel.



It is fascinating to note that this document, "placed trust in the Rock of Israel"!  We know the Rock is our Jesus.  We also know someday, the Rock of Israel will be "remnant Israel's" Rock too. (Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 20:4-5)  That is one of the principal purposes of Daniel's 70th week!


Phase III.    Israel Fights Her War of Possession.  The Conquest of Canaan Circa 1948-1949. 


On May 15, 1948, five Arab nations attacked Israel.  Israel prevailed against all odds!  The Hand of the LORD outstretched was being fulfilled as Isaiah prophesied 2,700+ years ago.  (Isaiah 11:11, Ezekiel 20:33-38)   We know that we have witnessed the "shooting forth of the smitten fig tree" (Matthew 24:32, Luke 21-28-29)  The end of the age approaches.


Phase IV.    The Knesset Passes the Law of Return July 5, 1950.  (Fig Tree shoots forth)


Following in the spirit of building the Jewish homeland for the Diaspora Jews, the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, passed the Law of Return.




The "fig tree" has been shooting forth branches and putting on leaves for 72+ years.  No fig flowers and no fig fruit.  Fruit will be recognition of Jesus as Messiah. (Revelation 12:17, 14:12) That will come during Daniel's 70th week.  And we know for sure that the "fig tree" is the apostate political nation of Israel which rejected their Jesus/Yeshua Messiah.  She has come out of exile in anticipation of God's completion of Daniel's 70th week.  Study Luke 13:6-9.  In this parable you will see a picture of Jesus tending to His unproductive fig tree nation.  Ultimately, the fig tree was cut down and went into dormancy exile.   But, God is a God of promises!  His covenant name is "Jehovah".  His promises to the fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which have been in suspension for many centuries, are nearing their time of strengthening when the Mighty (root word for "mighty" is "gabar" same root as word "confirm") God of Israel will once again bring remnant Israel back into the BOND (oath) of the COVENANT.  This "confirmed covenant" was:


(1)     "confirmed" to Abraham by God's sworn oath. (Genesis 22:16)  Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise      the immutability of his counsel, CONFIRMED it by an oath: (Hebrews 6:17);


(2)     "even the covenant which he made with Abraham and of his OATH [oath means CONFIRMED] unto Isaac.  (1 Chronicles 16:16; Psalm         105:9-10)


(3)     "and hath CONFIRMED the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant. (1 Chronicles 16:17; Psalm 105:9-10)


This the fullness of this covenant and its relationship to the house of Jacob has been in suspense since the nation of Israel rejected Messiah Jesus at Daniel's 69th week of years, Nisan 10, 30 A.D.  Following the end of the Church Age, the house of Jacob, the Jesus rejecting Jewish nation, will enter the Time of Jacob's Trouble and the nation, the remnant nation of Israel, will receive Messiah Jesus corporately.


This deferred Abrahamic covenant will be confirmed to the fathers' descendants.  In Daniel 9:27, they are enigmatically described as the "many".  Again, Daniel as a sealed book, hides the true identity of the "many".  Who are they?  They are "the house of Jacob" which flees transgression (Isaiah 59:20) who wait for Yeshua, the Deliverer of the brethren.  The ancient Hebrew language was composed of pictographic letters.  The Hebrew word for "many/rab" is spelled "resh beit".  This is a picture of the head of house hold.  The "many" is a picture of the House of Jacob representing remnant Israel. (Romans 9:6,27, 11:27; Isaiah 10:21-21).


This COVENANT has been personified in the person of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Israel's Messiah. "The Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; (Isaiah 42:6)


If there were ever a COVENANT in the Old Testament which could be called by its common name "the confirmed covenant" it would be the promises to Abraham.  So, let me ask you a question:  "What is the identity of the CONFIRMED COVENANT in Daniel 9:27? 




In Genesis 22:16, "this thing" which prompted God's oath upon promise, was Abraham's offer of sacrifice of Isaac and his belief that God could raise him from the dead.  The root of the Hebrew word "thing" is "dabar".   Dabar is also the root for the Hebrew "word".   We know that one of Jesus' names is "Word of God".  (John 1:1)  Isaac was a type of sacrificial lamb, just as Jesus was the Passover lamb of God.  We know from Isaiah 42:6 that Israel's Messiah was "given as a covenant of the people".  Jesus, the Word of God, is the fullness of the Abrahamic covenant personified in His character and nature.   Jesus was the child of promise, a Son given, mighty God, the fullness of the expression of God's words, righteousness, redemption and salvation.