Gino (27 Sep 2020)
"it had been more of a practical doctrine for me"

Yesterday was truly a great day for the blessed hope, but today is even more so, and if it is not today, then tomorrow will be even a better day for that than it was today. I believe this, because each day guarantees that we are actually closer, even though it could be at anytime, it will not be an infinite amount of time away, he will come, and when he does, quickly.

            Before I hideously backslid on the LORD, I used to get up every (every) morning, and look for the clouds, knowing, believing, and greatly anticipating that sudden moment. Back then, it was a practical doctrine for me.


I John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.


However, the pureness & the closeness is not as bright like a diamond to me, like it was before I backslid – that was my fault.

            Although, one night we visited an elderly man from our church, in his 80s. Since I went straight from work, I didn’t have my sword with me, and similarly neither did the other gentleman who met me a few blocks from the place that we were going to. So when it came time to open the scriptures, I recited I Thessalonians 4:13-18 from memory, and then began to discuss the passage. Some new and different thoughts came to my mind that night:

            First we talked about, that if the Thessalonians were admonished not to be ignorant, how much more so are we ignorant – familiar with the entire 66 books, comparing scripture with scripture – there really should be a great difference between us and the lost when it comes to death, and even more so about the resurrection of the bride. Apparently Lot’s wife demonstrated that she sorrowed like the lost do.

            Then what I said, first, above, is true because Paul included himself in the “we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord”, he believed that it was a great day for the blessed hope then, then how much more so is it today.