Fay (6 Sep 2020)
"Nando re the AC"


Hi Nando,

In the last weeks or so, I have researched the machinations of the powers that be. My eyes have been opened regarding politics and the type of people that veer toward those powerful posts. I have become - almost overnight - pretty damn cynical. It's a horrible place to be. To have one's innocence stripped away completely. My predication to believe the best in our politicians, has gone. NONE of them are stupid or naive. They all have the knowledge of how these things work. Each and every one of them is a strategist and they play on our naivete and trust.

Not one ....NOT ONE... political leader keeps Almighty God at the foremost of his/her nation. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

They all have their own interests at heart....and not necessarily the interests of the people of their nations. At the very least, Pres. Trump tries to do things in line with his evangelical base. Our Bojo, here in the UK, doesn't even pretend to have any spiritual affiliations. POTUS is NOT following the guidelines of scripture with his dealings with Israel. It's all floss and foliage. The end game is money.

Of course, the Dems and neo-cons have an agenda. Evil is being allowed to run rampant in the western nations because they don't give a thought to God's will. Almighty God has removed His protection.

We can analyse until the moo's come home. But, the bottom line is following God's Will. We are either Bible believing Christians, or we are not. We are either on fire for the LORD or we are luke warm.
