Wow, Greg. Great research and explanation of Daniel 9:27. This is an excellent read which I have linked below for those who missed it.
What I struggle to understand is how some expect an earthly Temple to be built with human hands after this coming war. Something way bigger is coming. Vastly supernatural. It has to be, because this planet is about to get decimated.
As for the AC...I am beginning to think that Erdogan is a front man for this final AC. Between Erdogan and Macron, we have the beasts of the EU and the old Ottoman Empire aspirations. Added to Macron's EU connections, it's also important to note how Roman Catholic oriented France is. So - on the one hand we have Macron / the EU / Roman Catholicism. On the other hand, we have Erdogan / Ottomans / Islam.
The false prophet could emerge from either of these two. The Mahdi ...or the Pope? The Whore of Babylon is anyone's guess. We do have tantalising hints though. This beast, who has now risen from the great sea (Eastern Mediterranean) HATES the whore, who has been hitching a ride on it's back.
I pray our LORD Jesus takes us soon.