Fay (6
Sep 2020)
"An Important
How come the 70 years that modern Israel has
completed, not counted as relevant in prophecy? Lots of people
still insist that there remains a final seven years after the
rapture. To my mind - the 72 years that have now passed are
surely to be somewhere in God's timeline. Let's face it - these
72 years have hardly been a walk in the park for Israel. Israel
has endured tribulation for the majority of that time. She has
lived with the threat of being wiped out for all of that time.
It is Great Tribulation that now awaits. Lurking just around the
Our LORD Jesus completed only 3.5 years of His ministry on
earth. He was cut off in the middle - but not for Himself. Which
leaves us with 3.5 years left for full completion.
We are not appointed to wrath. I fully believe in a pre Great
Tribulation rapture. It is irritating to be labelled a "mid
tribber" as opposed to a pre tribber or post tribber. These
labels are only relevant to those who don't believe this earth
has been in tribulation for quite some time. Despite millions
upon millions of Christians being persecuted -particularly since
the 2011 "Arab Spring".
Our Father God is nearly out of patience.