Fay (6 Sep 2020)
"Brand New Insights!"


Hi John and Doves,

It's becoming obvious why the final AC will not "honour the gods of his fathers" etc. This statement will become clear as you read on what I have discovered about all the political shenanigans. It shocked me, at first.

Our political leaders use religion for political gain. Obvious - I hear you say! Read on. I was trying to investigate further, the warring factions in the East Mediterranean. I happened upon a Turkish YT channel where the newscaster claimed that Italy was now on the side of Turkey in the fracas. Huh! So I put it to google, "Is Italy siding with Turkey in the Med?" What came up was the most revealing article to date. I have linked it below. Please read my comments first as it will clarify what is to be gleaned from the article. Oh...and Italy is NOT siding with Turkey in the Med.

Let's begin with the UAE.

The UAE is in Libya - opposing Turkey.

Turkey and the UAE have long been regional rivals

France has a naval base in the UAE

Sophisticated military drills in the East Med have happened twice before - with Cyprus, Israel and....the UAE

There exists a regional alignment of Cyprus, Greece, Egypt and Israel.....as well as the UAE in Libya.

The Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) was formed in 2018. Headquartered in Cairo, the EMGF counted Italy, Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan.... AND the Palestinian Authority (???) as founding members.

Do you see how the plot doth thicken? Why we now see Erdogan courting Hamas and giving them grand receptions. Erdogan wants the Palestinians (Hamas) onside. This is why we see both Erdogan AND Macron vying for supremacy in Lebanon. This is why we see the whole Ottoman delusion being formed by Erdogan. His strategy is to appeal to the hardline Muslim Brotherhood plus the Palestinians. He is courting the Palestinians because Gaza has a shoreline onto the Med. Erdogan is not a deeply religious man like he's making out to be. He's a strategist.

This also explains the recent brouhaha over the so-called Abraham Accord between Israel and the UAE. They have been working together for a long time. The Abraham Accord is symbolic, and authored so that it appeals to the two religions (Judaism and Islam) and kind of appeals to Christians who know very little of scripture. The true nature of the Abraham Accord is a political treaty. An alliance formed to combat Iran and other hard-line Islamist's - like Iran.

The USA is seemingly neutral on the fracas in the Med....on the media face of it. But, the USA has made clear it's allegiance to Israel and the UAE by authoring the Abraham Accord. To all intents and purposes, the USA has made clear who she supports. It is being bandied about that Bahrain is the next in line to come on board with the Abraham Accord.

Libya is a strategic base for the fight over the Med riches. As is the Gaza strip. Lebanon is a strategic asset.

It seems, to me at least, that nations are now picking sides. The Mediterranean is the battleground and the fuse to light the flame. Russia is playing coy with her allegiances but we can almost guarantee that Russia will align against the western nations. China too. Let's not doubt that Russia and China will involve themselves with a war in the Med. Perhaps not at first...but, they will come for their parcel of the spoil.

For now - two main actors are in the spotlight. Macron and Erdogan. Take a look at an end time map of the end time nations who will invade Israel. It's becoming spooky real.
