Fay (6 Sep 2020)
"Even more Clarity !!"


The voices are getting louder - and more aggressive. The short article in the link will confirm that the nations are now taking sides.

The so-called "Palestinian Cause" has always been a uniting factor in the Muslim Middle East. Over the years, the Sunni's and Shi'ite's have been foes. Forever vying for supremacy. But - the "Palestinian Cause" was a uniting factor between them. Now - the Palestinians (their leaders and Hamas) are being told to "go to hell". Added to which is the blatant fight for the hearts and minds of the Lebanese people and control over Lebanon.

Macron has recently held high level talks with the Hezbollah leadership in Lebanon. A French journalist uncovered this and printed it. Macron went BALLISTIC. He publicly lambasted the journalist. Calling the hapless hack all sorts of names and almost accusing him of treason....in a roundabout way. Macron did not want this meeting made public. Considering how the Lebanese people feel about Hezbollah - it's not surprising. Both Macron and Erdogan are courting Hezbollah in Lebanon. Erdogan is doing it openly. Macron is trying to do it on the sly. Once exposed, Macron loses his edge in Lebanon.

I know my tendency to be rather skittish and easily alarmed - but these machinations are sinister. A very revealing article in the link.

In the 2nd link is the clip of Macron having a full-on tantrum regarding the news the journalist exposed....re Macron meeting with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

