Fay (27 Sep 2020)
"Yom Kippur and Natan !!"


Hi John and Doves,

When Natan was taken to heaven to receive prophecy, the date was September 28th, 2015. Which is the date of Yom Kippur 2020 !! Back in 2015 - the date of September 28th was the first day of Sukkot. It was also the date of the last blood moon of the 2014/2015 tetrad.

In Natan's testimony, the lad talks a lot about who will be saved in the violent redemption. Natan speaks of those Jew who have genuinely repented and perform acts of kindness. Charity. The 3 MOST important things of Yom Kippur are prayer, repentance, acts of kindness (charity). Natan could have been speaking about Yom Kippur itself. Natan was judged in minute detail in heaven - before he was allowed to receive prophecy. Interestingly - the Rabbi who is seated with Natan (see links) said to 15 year old Natan, "You are lucky because you are not yet 20 years old". Meaning - it is harder when one is 20 years old and more wisdom and years have been experienced. Natan will be 20 years old this year of 2020.

The first day of Sukkot 2020 falls on October 3rd. A Saturday. 5 years and 5 days since Natan went to heaven in 2015.

As we have seen, at the end of Yom Kippur. Sundown on Monday September 28th - a final service is held and a final shofar blast is sounded. The books are closed and sealed. The gates have shut.

When Natan talks about WW3 breaking out - he says that the entire world will be saying, "This is it - there is no more time. And everyone will know Hashem (Almighty God) is behind this". The third world war will begin with a BOOM. At first, all the nations will be fighting each other because they all want Jerusalem !!! This is the reason they are fighting, Doves. Not Mediterranean oil or gas. They ALL want Jerusalem. Which leads me to thinking that BOOM that Natan talks about will have to do with a profound act of God. The rapture??

Then the warring nations will all unite and turn on Israel. They all want Jerusalem. Something profound will happen prior to the coming war against Israel. Once the BOOM happens, the world will be saying "No more time" and they will KNOW that Almighty God is behind it. How will they know this? It has to be something truly mind-blowing.

I have linked Natan's testimony below. One link has the YT clip with the English captions and the other is the clip with the English language voice over. Every word is worth noting. It is only now that I have connected Natan's words with Yom Kippur and the requirements of being written into the Book of Life. For the Jewish people who don't know Christ.

