Fay (27 Sep 2020)
"Spiritually called Egypt? Plague of the Firstborn."


Hi John and Doves,

In Revelation 11, we are told that Jerusalem is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. We all remember the plagues that occurred in the book of Exodus. This Covid-19 is a plague. In the link is an article regarding the very sharp rise of Covid-19 in Israel. The lock-down has to be harsh - they have no other choice. This also happened over Passover this year ! It made me recall all those blood moons. Passover - Tabernacles - Passover - Tabernacles. Tabernacles is just around the corner.


We have witnessed a few of the Biblical plagues of Egypt. Locusts in abundance and Covid-19, for example. It seems that the plague of boils and waters turning into blood will be enacted during the great tribulation. The spiritual terms "Sodom and Egypt" both bring to mind that of very harsh judgement. Judgement so terrible that the Jewish people will be forced to flee.

