Fay (27 Sep 2020)
"Reply to Laurie re the Whore of Babylon"


Hi Laurie,

Thank you for your reply to me. I am still horrified at discovering that Israel could very well be this woman. It goes against everything I have always stood for. Supporting Israel and the Jewish people with all my might against the hideous anti-Semitism that abounds in this world.

I have spent a lot of time with the LORD and have come to some profound understanding. Since the time of the Exodus from Egypt (and even before) the Jewish people have always had the mixed multitude tagging along - hanging on to their coat tails. This is a result of evil being allowed into the world since the Garden of Eden. Evil follows the people of Israel around like a vile, destructive smell because evil KNOWS that salvation stems from the Hebrew line. The golden calf debacle stemmed from influence from the mixed multitude. This incident in Exodus shows clearly just how much Almighty God abhors false religion....false worship.

I do not blame the Jewish people - many whom try their best to keep all the commandments of God. I blame their politicians. Their leaders. Those who say they are Jews but are not - but are the synagogue of satan. They have turned Israel into a prostitute. Much like the Christian world - the Bible has been taken out of the equation and many people are ignorant. Shockingly ignorant.

In Ezekiel 16 we are told that God clothed Israel with costly garments and fabulous jewels and placed a crown upon her head. She became very beautiful and rose to be a queen. After this, Israel is described as a prostitute - vain, trusting in her own beauty and royalty. It really does pay for people to read the entire chapter of Ezekiel 16. Which clearly describes the whore of Babylon in Revelation. It's difficult to miss !!

Netanyahu has pimped out Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Judea and Samaria are compromised too. And God's Holy land has been pimped out to the very worst. Severe judgement is coming soon.

I don't know about you Laurie, but this has put a whole new slant on prophecy. Reading the book of Revelation -placing Israel as the whore of Babylon - changes EVERYTHING. Revelation has an enormous earthquake happen in Israel where everyone runs for underground shelters etc. Huge damage is done. I believe this is when the Mount of Olives splits in two - when our LORD Jesus touches down. In Revelation 18 - Babylon has fallen. This is a massive announcement. And WHY she has fallen is very telling indeed. Mainly because the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. A reference to the whole prostitute theme. I will link everything below so that those interested can see for themselves.

Just how a man-made, re built temple can stand among this chaos is simply not feasible. I have so much more research to do on this, Laurie. It has been very overwhelming. One thing I do know - it explains why a New Jerusalem descends from heaven. Because the old Jerusalem has been decimated !

Nothing about this is to do with vile anti-Semitism. It's to do with the politicians who have led the people astray. And the religious leaders who have NOT done their jobs. To whom much has been given - much is expected. Luke 12:48.

Many blessings to you, Laurie. And to all the Doves.


