Fay (27 Sep 2020)
"Did a war just break out in Heaven?"


Please see the article in the link. WOWZA. Written by Gary at Unsealed.org - it ties up SO many loose ends. The eerie parallels between the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the book of Judges etc. There are so many incredible things Gary has discovered. He is an exceptionally gifted Christian watchman.

This article will really excite you. I still have goose-bumps. The one and only point I disagree with is that he says that the Abraham Accords are, perhaps, a shadow of the false peace prophesied to bring about the end. There is nothing shadow like about this "peace treaty". This is where the gnarly debate of the identity of the person in Daniel 9:27 comes in to play. Many 7 year tribbers are expecting a covenant to be confirmed for 7 years.

The Abraham Accords are the ultimate blasphemy. Netanyahu has signed a death warrant by breaking God's covenant.
