Fay (27 Sep 2020)
"Why they all want Jerusalem. It's all Linked!"


All the countries who want a new relationship with Israel do not have a shoreline with the Mediterranean Sea. Israel provides this entry. This ties it up financially. To make it politically and - more importantly - religiously expedient, the Abraham Accord gifts the Temple Mount to the Muslims, on a silver platter. In order to garner control over the Muslim world, they need to control access to the Al Aqsa mosque. THIS is the ultimate prize.

But for God - let's imagine this entire farce is allowed to go through. The Temple Mount would be totally over run by Muslims praying to Allah. The Jewish people wouldn't even get a look in. Perhaps a small section of the Temple Mount would be given over to the Jewish people. It is one big, giant ruse. It makes me want to scream - in a very primal way. Thank the LORD He is going to blast this idiocy to smithereens.

Have a read of this article. It's about the energy deal. Tie it together with the Al Aqsa extravaganza and you'll realise what a dark satire this whole thing is.
