Fay (27 Sep 2020)
"Nando re the Angel with the Open Scroll"


WOW, Nando. What an amazing article. Lots of very deep study has gone into this one! I loved how the author tied Revelation 10 together with John 10, for one. There are many more fabulous jewels in your article. This is highly recommended reading.

I also found this article to be a confirmation. I don't often have dreams but I had a vivid one last night. In fact it woke me up. I grabbed some coffee and opened this post from you. In my dream a huge rainbow came down and caused a "cutting off". I got the impression it was something to do with Gaza....a land mass being cut off. The dates of October 2nd to October 6th were very prominent in my dream.

The Angel with the Scroll had a large rainbow above his head. (see Nando's article in the link). This is Revelation 10 where the angel plants one foot on the land and one foot on the sea. I was also struck by the fact the author linked this to John 10 - which puts the timing into the days of Hanukkah. Which tells us that a battle was roaring during the days of Tabernacles in the story of the Maccabees. Hence, they had to rededicate the Temple in what became known as Hanukkah...the Festival of Lights.

If history is to repeat itself - as it so often does - perhaps a massive war will break during the days of Tabernacles 2020?

After all....there is nothing new under the sun. And what has been - will be again. Ecclesiastes 1:9 in the 2nd link.

Thank you, Nando. The article is brilliant.

