In the link is a TV7 Israeli news clip from September 18th. It's a short clip. Showing statements from President Rivlin of Israel, who offered a grovelling apology to the people of Israel for the nation-wide shutdown, due to commence today (Friday Sept 18th). Thousands of police and security officers will be on hand to ensure complete obedience to this lock down order. The lock down will last for 3 weeks.
The clip also shows statements from Pompeo and statements from Iran.
We must ask ourselves this. If the Abraham Accords are supposedly so good for Israel and the world (according to many high profile Christian churches) then how come we are witnessing God's displeasure? The Covid-19 virus. The riots and banditry. Extreme weather. Blazing, out of control fires - floods and storms. Wars and rumours of wars. Ethnicity against ethnicity. This is blatant evidence of Almighty God's anger.