Fay (20 Sep 2020)
"Purim and those Super Moons. Oy Vey!"


Almighty God highlighted the dates of Purim in 2019 and 2020. On BOTH Purims in 2019. He kept drawing our attention to the story of Purim. In this story, the Name of God does not appear even once. It is the only book in the OT where this happens. Quite rightly, the Hebrew sages have pointed to the hidden hand of God throughout the entire book. Almighty God has not directly addressed the affairs of the Jewish people since LORD Jesus walked. Therefore, The Book of Esther is to be a giant heads-up for the future affairs of Israel. Although God doesn't seem to be around - his Hidden Hand most surely is.

THIS is why Purim was highlighted for the world in 2019 and 2020. It was pointing us toward God's Hidden Hand. To emphasis this, Almighty God sent Israel a love letter on August 4th, 2020. The day before Tu B'Av - the Jewish holiday of love - a huge blast occurred in Beirut. It remains a mystery how this blast was ignited but it did uncover the fact that Hezbollah had a vast storage of Ammonium Nitrate stored in the warehouses of the Beirut Port. This alerted the Israeli's as there is also a huge store of Ammonium Nitrate in the port of Tel Aviv. The Iranians admitted - on national TV - that they did not need nuclear weapons to damage Israel. They could simply use chemicals.

Almighty God engineered that blast in Beirut. He got rid of Hezbollah's stock pile. We don't know what method God used, which is why the cause is still a mystery. This was a fantastic example of the Hidden Hand of God at work. He desperately wanted us all to recognise the main thread of the Purim story. Israel should never be afraid. If they obey God's commandments and worship and trust in Him and Him alone - they need never fear anyone or anything.

Instead of taking heed, Israel has compromised her Holy Land and God's Temple Mount. All in the name of (false) peace. I believe this is the final straw for Almighty God. He has suffered through the free transport on the Sabbath since November 2019. He has suffered through the antics of the LGBTQ crowd in Tel Aviv. What has just happened...the breaking of the Abraham Covenant that God made with Abraham...is an insult too far.

I get why a lot of Christians are in denial about the severity of this situation. People are terribly afraid about the upcoming elections in the USA. We are all afraid, because it will affect the entire world. If the Democrats win....SHUDDER... there are no words. Not one of us want to see this nightmare scenario. Therefore - a lot of high profile Christian teachers have got into panic mode. They do not want to have Pres. Trump labelled as some sort of Anti Christ because of this peace deal. They are terrified this will affect Pres. Trump at the ballot box. I am with them all the way on this one. Please, dear Father God. If we are still here - we beg You to steer the American elections. In Jesus' Name.

I am sorry to be gloomy, Doves. But I know these Abraham Accords are awful. They will bring destruction to Israel. The full wrath of Almighty God. The whole world will suffer. Israel belongs to Almighty God. Jerusalem is His city. The Temple Mount is where the Holy Temples once stood. God is long suffering but He is a jealous God. He cannot abide false religion. Particularly one that persecutes His Christians. His Bible believing Jews. The Abraham Accords are a deal with the devil.

May God guide us, protect us and lead us. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. In Jesus' Name.