If we are all still here to read this on Sunday Sept 20th, here are the days I am watching.
September 22nd. This is one day before the 3rd year anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign in 2017. It is also one day prior to the 153rd year anniversary of the day Mark Twain first set foot in Jerusalem in 1867. This is also the day the UAE delegation are due to visit Jerusalem in the wake of the Abraham Accords.
September 28th. Yom kippur.
October 3rd - 10th. Tabernacles. The great multitude that appear in heaven in Revelation 7:9 are all waving palm branches. Palm branches are used to build the booths and are one of the 5 species. On October 6th, this earth will experience it's closest approach to Mars. This is in the exact middle of Tabernacles. Mars is the planet of war and has been exhibiting some strange features recently. Green (for "GO?") spirals suddenly appeared - baffling the scientists.
December 10th - 18th. Hanukkah. This feast holds echoes of Tabernacles. On December 14th there will be a lunar eclipse which marks the exact mid-point between the Great American solar eclipse in 2017 and the next American solar eclipse in April 2024. This day is also the 5th day of Hanukkah, when the 5th candle on the Menorah is lit.
Obviously I favour the nearer dates. But, it's not just that. Scripture tells us that "while they are saying peace and safety, sudden destruction comes upon them". I guess we also have to remember that the LORD told us He will come on a day we do not expect. *SIGH*
Maranatha, LORD Jesus.