Dear John and Doves,
I have prayed about this. Agonised over this. Gone back and forth over this. And, I must add that I do NOT agree with the anti-Semitic garbage that is often spewed out about the Jewish people. Agreed, they have not behaved in the way Almighty God has instructed etc., but, the ordinary people of Israel are Almighty God's wife. End of story. We have been instructed not to curse them - or we, ourselves, will be cursed in return. Therefore - save it, you anti Semitic trolls who may be reading this. This is not about you and your rancid Jew hatred.
That said - it has become clear that the Whore of Babylon just may be Israel. I know .....I am as shocked as you are. I was watching Nelson Walters video clip when he mentioned "the woman". It hit me like a ton of bricks. If you watch the video clip - fairly short - and then access the links I have provided - you will see where I am coming from. The 1st link is from Nelson Walters re the Gog and Magog Alliance - Is it forming before our very eyes? I believe it is. Notice where he mentions "the woman". Nelson does NOT make the connection I have. You need to see the other links to see how I am tentatively reaching the conclusion that Israel may well be the Whore of Babylon. May Almighty God forgive me if I am wrong and totally out of line. This is NOT a conclusion I was seeking.
I am still confused as the words of scripture are confusing, regarding the woman. In this case, The Whore. I checked up on all the Greek regarding the word "Woman" used in the scriptures and it is always "gyne". Okay - I will leave it up to you to decipher. Check out the video clip in the 1st link. Then look at the other links to see just whom Almighty God describes as a whore - a prostitute etc.
Read the whole of Hosea 4 in the link. It is addressed to the people who rule Jerusalem. Note the language and accusations.
Now, read Ezekiel 16. The language and condemnations are indicative. It's important that you note these scriptures in order to see what I am seeing.
Our beloved Almighty God is not pleased with Israel. Her signing of this latest covenant does indeed make her unfaithful to Almighty God. It is a covenant with death and Hades. Breaking the Covenant with Almighty God. THE Everlasting Covenant the Almighty made with Abraham. The Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has been pushed aside.
No wonder Israel is to suffer great wrath. My heart aches for the people of Israel.
We may experience our blessed hope on Rosh Hashanna this year. We may not. Perhaps we must wait until Yom Kippur on September 28th. Who knows? But - the signs are all there. We can see the day approaching. Everything is converging. Do NOT lose heart, Doves. He comes at a time that we do NOT expect. Whatever "that time" is - it is not far off. We are on the very cusp. Hold firm. I pray for strength and courage for each and everyone. I pray for guidance, protection and surety, for each and everyone of us. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Maranatha, LORD Jesus.