Fay (13 Sep 2020)
"The Truth re Covid-19"


I found this story in the Daily Mail, UK, very compelling. I believe you will too. The reason I believe this virus is man-made is because the alternative theory is - quite simply - ridiculous and an insult to the intelligence.

The Chinese people have been using wet markets for centuries. The wet markets have been a part of the landscape forever. The Chinese people have been eating bats for centuries. Whether this practise is to our taste or not, is neither here nor there. This is what the Chinese people eat.

The emergence of Covid-19 has been swift and lethal. To blame Chinese wet markets and/or bat eating is ridiculous. Why hasn't it happened before? How come this practise has suddenly created a deadly virus? When the Chinese have been operating like this for centuries?

We have had endless in-your-face evidence that this virus is pre-planned. One only has to watch Pastor JD Farag's prophecy updates to view the evidence. Evidence that is freely available online and is FACT. We can also follow the plot line in the movie, Contagion. The 1st link holds an article by Vigilant Citizen that was written in 2012. WAY BEFORE our 2020 pandemic. This is a Must Read.


This 2nd link shows an article (Also Vigilant Citizen) written in March 2020. This too, is about the movie Contagion....this time, in relation to Covid-19.


We need not try and give the powers that be any benefit of the doubt. This is a blatant attack on humanity by very evil, dark forces. Thank the LORD God Almighty that we know He is only allowing it. By coercing Israel into doing deals with the devil - indulging in abortion mills, porn, child abuse etc., the nations have invited evil into their nations. We are on the cusp of seeing prophecy in end-of-days action.

This 3rd link is about the very brave Chinese virologist who is desperately trying to get the truth out there. This is not some chancer. She is the real deal.
