Fay (13 Sep 2020)
"On the Edge"


Hi John and Doves,

In the 1st link is a fascinating TV7 discussion regarding Greece v Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean flash point. Listen closely, Doves. This is getting very serious. One gentleman on the panel said, "Israel needs to strengthen her navy". Meaning - this has to happen now. The discussion is geared around how this development in the Eastern Med affects Israel. My one big takeaway from watching this is the underlying insanity of the Turkish manoeuvres in the Med. Sane people are perplexed at Erdogan's bombast and haughty rhetoric. I believe, reading from history, that Hitler was of the same mindset. Against all reasoning and logic - Hitler went ahead and created WW2.

Erdogan is reading directly from Hitler's script.

In the 2nd link, I am posting Gino's letter from 2 weeks ago. Gino pointed out where Satan's seat is. He made many other salient points as well. It's a letter that is a MUST READ considering the situation in the Med. Always bear in mind that the 7 churches of Revelation are addressed first. Before anything else. And, the 7 churches of Revelation are ALL in Turkey. 3 on the coastline and the others, not far off. Almost directly in the firing line. Doesn't this tell us that the end times will begin with the final beast rising from the great sea? The Eastern Mediterranean.

The entire world is being drawn into this. Including the USA. Listening to the discussion in the 1st link will tell you how very much the USA is involved in this.

