Elliot Hong (27 Sep 2020)
"Shemini Atzeret or Simchat Torah"

Dear Doves:

This coming full moon of Tishri is 5 years from the last blood moon of the Tetrad.
5 means Grace.
John Lawler received "There will be a big explosion when the moon is in the top of it's phase."
This message could be fulfilled on the full moon of Sukkot as SD of 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
But Barbara received "A Cataclysmic Event, then Sudden Destruction" on 8/29.
Thus "A Cataclysmic Event" should occur before the full moon of Tishri.
And it could occur right after Yom Kippur is over.
9/29 is the third day, and 9/29 in Israel is 9/28 in US.
It's 13 days from the Signing of the Abraham Accord at the White House to 9/28.
13 means Apostasy and Rebellion.
Although "A Cataclysmic Event" could be very severe, SD on the first day of Sukkot will be the midnight cry.
Because the Parable of the Ten Virgins is matched with John Chapter 7.
Jesus went up to Jerusalem secretly during Sukkot and cried out in the Temple on Hoshanah Rabbah.
And after the midnight cry, the bridegroom arrived while the foolish virgins went out to buy oil.
Thus this coming Hoshanah Rabbah will be the the day when the door to the banquet is shut.
Although the final verdict for each one is sentenced at the end of Yom Kippur, it's executed after Sukkot.
And God of Mercy will change the verdict if anyone repents until Hoshanah Rabbah.
But the Departure of the Firstfruits will be on the 8th day or the 9th day of Sukkot.
I've been suggested that the Fall Feasts should be fulfilled through Israel when the Lord returns after the Tribulation. 
But Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are independent festivals not belong to Sukkot.
This is why I believe that these two special festivals can be fulfilled for Church.
Shemini Atzeret on the 8th day is the Holy Assembly that the King and all his Loyal Subjects gather together for intimacy.
After Sukkot was over, Jesus went to the mount of Olives (Gethemane) with his disciples.
It's matched with the theme of Shemini Atzeret, and 8 means New Birth and New Beginning.
On Simchat Torah, the members of the congregation circle the Synagogue 7 times with Torah Scrolls as they sing and dance.
It's matched with the Fall of Jericho's walls when the Israelites marched around the city 7 days.
I've been suggested that the walls of Jericho fell on Shavout.
The Israelites had Circumcision at Gilgal, celebrated the Passover, then remained in camp until they were healed.
And the period of the preparation for war is considered,  it's very likely that Shavout was the time when Jericho fell.
Thus Shavout could be connected to Simchat Torah through Yom Kippur.
9 represents Human Gestation and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
This is my theory that Shemini Atzeret or Simchat Torah could be the Appointed Time for our Departure.