Dear Doves:
Edward Umling received the message of "Days of Awe" on 9/17.It said "My elect shall receive My grace during these days."
Silva Shirry received "10 Day Warning" before the Rapture, and the Lord told her that the 10-days would be made up of two parts:10 days, representing Jesus' 3 days and 3 nights in the grave; and 7 days, representing Noah's 7-day warning.
Amazingly, the third day of this "Days of Awe" is Tuesday(The Third Day) which is the favorite wedding day for Jews.The Wedding at Cana was on the third day, and Jesus performed the first miracle turning water of 6 jugs into wine.6 represents men, and this miracle fits to Philippians 3:21."Who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will belike his glorious body"Also the Lord made a promise as it's written in Matthew 26:29."I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom"And September is a new wine season in Israel.
This coming third day is from the sunset of Tishri 3 to the sunset of Tishri 4, and it fits to $2.34.Tishri 4 is 9/22(11+11) which is 11 days from 9/11 which is 11.9/22 is 8 days from 9/14 when the moon and Venus got together in Gemini, and 8 means New Birth and New Beginning.And the original meaning of Gemini is to marry after a long time of the engagement.9/22 is 7 days from 9/15 when the Abraham Accord was signed at the White House.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins could fit to this period of 10 days as well.If the door to the baquet is closed on this coming third day, 2 Corinthians 3:18 will be fulfilled during the wedding."And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory,which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit"Thus the midnight cry should be heard between Tishri 1 -4.
In the previous letters, I've been suggested that Shavout is not completed yet.But Yom Kippur could be the completion of Shavout.Because Moses went up to God on Shavout, but the first Tablets was broken, and he came down on Yom Kippur with the second Tablets.The First and the Second represent Flesh and Spirit, and when Moses came down on Yom Kippur, his face was shinning.And we know that the last great Shofar will be blown on Yom Kippur.Yom Kippur is also the conclusion of Pesach.The Lord took and removed the curses as Azazel on the Cross, and completed the duties of the High Priest during Peasch.
Again, this is my opinion, but we all know it's very close.Maranatha!