Derrick Drew (27 Sep 2020)
"Some thoughts on Yom Kippur and the possible Rapture"

Some thoughts on Yom Kippur and the possible Rapture 

Well alright, as a follow up to my post two weeks ago about 9/11, the metonic cycle and a 7 day warning- I want to further consider Yom Kippur. 

Just some random thoughts to what is already out there. 

First of all I still think there is something to this 19 year metonic cycle that connects 2001 with 2020, two years of change, similar in so many ways.  However since the rapture did not occur on Rosh Hashanna is it possible that instead of a 7 day warning we are instead given 17? Many watchers are always associating 17 with the rapture which symbolizes victory and overcoming. 

Second random thought- I am seeing certain sources claiming a jubilee year starts on Yom Kippur which is why Rosh Hashanna was delayed from Yom Teruah and instead will fall on Yom Kippur. Not sure of the accuracy of this but it is interesting food for thought adding to this hypothesis. 

Third random thought. 
If the rapture were to occur on Yom Kippur of any given year and then the second coming of Christ occurs seven years later on Rosh Hashanna this might explain two cryptic scriptural prophecies. 

First, Yeshua tells the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10 that they will suffer tribulation for 10 days.  Hypothetically IF Rosh Hashanna began the seven years of tribulation chronologically BUT none of the wrath of God is poured out until the church is raptured (hypothetically) on Yom Kippur- would that not fulfill the church suffering for 10 days of tribulation while also fulfilling that the church has not been appointed to wrath?
Strict dispensationalists might disagree with this but I wouldn’t want to put God in that kind of box. 


This could explain Yeshua’s “shortening of the days” of the tribulation otherwise no flesh would survive.   We typically think in terms of the tribulation being cut short at the end, but just like a school or work day can be cut short by not only leaving early but also by starting the day late; I don’t see why the tribulation can’t be cut short by a late start. As I said if we have 10 days of “technical, in name only” tribulation on God’s calendar- but with no noticeable effects here on the earth. 

I’m any case there’s not long to find out. As these letters are published on Sunday’s and presumably this one will be published Sunday September 27, Yom Kippur starts tonight at sundown in Israel which will be mid morning in the USA. 

All that to say, if it is Yom Kippur please make your election sure, and if there is anyone you know that needs the Gospel please do not hesitate to share it. 
TODAY is the day of Salvation and today might be that very last day of grace to seek the Lord while He may yet still be found. 

Hope to see you all soon!
Your brother in Yeshua 
Derrick Drew