Clay Cantrell (6 Sep 2020)
"Prophetic Word and Map re a coming “Mass Exodus”"

Readers - 

The Holy Spirit spoke suddenly to me on August the 21st (2020) and said that ... 

“A mass exodus” from California is coming”.

He then immediately flashed a map of the continental western United States on to my brain. The map was similar to the one found here:

(Tap on the map to enlarge it for better viewing).

When I say “similar” I mean those were the states that I was shown and each state name was labeled, but the map I saw was much simpler. There were no roads, no rivers, no mountains and no city names, etc. Only state names and border lines were shown. 

Like on the map linked above, each state was colored with a distinctive very pale pastel color; unusually pale which I suspect is an important detail. 

On top of the state of California, starting in the eastern third of it, were very bold and solid black hand drawn arrows. There were about six of them from the top of the state to the bottom. The arrow lines started in the eastern area of California, crossed over the state’s eastern border and the arrow “tip” landed in the neighboring states’ western third; that would be the states of Nevada and Arizona. 

No arrows were shown going north  from CA into Oregon and no arrows were drawn going south from CA into Mexico, or any other direction at all. 

There was no ambiguity about what I heard and saw. The arrows were where the “mass exodus” was taking place. The Holy Spirit meant masses of people were going to leave CA in the direction the black arrows clearly showed ... due east.  

When and why this will occur the Holy Spirit did not say, but it’s possibly related to the “Vision of the Destroyed Western City” (Los Angeles) from December 1997. 

God help us. 

The Lord bless you as you consider these matters. 

Jesus is Lord.