Charles D Landis (6 Sep 2020)
"Re: Hebrew Word Study of the Rapture"

Hebrew Word Study of the Rapture in the Old and New Testaments

By Charles D Landis     September 3, 2020

The purpose of this Bible Study is to show that the words  taken out of Scripture are directly related to many of the words we use in every day language.  This helps us to greatly increase our understanding of the times we are living in today.  Hopefully this Bible Study will increase your knowledge and understanding of how close we are to the “Rapture”!

Daniel 12:2     “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting contempt”.

Daniel Twelve Two                                                                       Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  2859

Thank You Jesus Christ For The Rapture”

They Went To School And Never Came Back

“To the deepest depts of darkness, I will shine my light”

“The white winged dove”

“That’s what the body is supposed to look like”

“Lazy apostles will be hell’s residents”                                                    

“God why do they think I am joking”                               

“He who cures the drug addict Jesus”                              

“Reveal thyself six six six”  

Please note that the above phrases that are underlined give direct reference to those who will awake to everlasting life at the time of the “Rapture”.  The other people will experience everlasting contempt.  Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.


“Who sleep in dust”                                          Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  1581

“Raptured before Christ has returned”

 “Happily ever after all”

“Try your last chance”

Please note that the above phrases that are underlined give direct reference to those who will awake to everlasting life at the time of the “Rapture”.  Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.





Ground will awake                                                           Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  2247

“Strong noices heard around the world”

“The trapped souls on earth were freed”

“Savior which is Christ”

“I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible”

“All you so called elite will get hammered”                      

“Be it resolved humankinds best days lie ahead”

Please note that the above phrases that are underlined give direct reference to those who will awake to everlasting life at the time of the “Rapture”.  Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  The “Elite” will suffer greatly even though they thought that their best days were ahead of them.


First Thessalonians four seventeen rapture                   Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  2681

“Yod hey vav hey”   YAHWEH

“Yeshua is the God of all Holy Prophets in Scripture”

“All who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”

“Biometric Authentication Verification System”             

“Men going their own way”                                                

“And their multitude dried up with thrist”

“Order without power”

This section of study now moves to the New Testament to I Thessilonians 4: 14-18. Please note that the above phrases that are underlined give direct reference to those who will awake to everlasting life at the time of the “Rapture”.  Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  The “Elite” will suffer greatly even though they thought that their best days were ahead of them.  They will be under government biometric control and everyone will be “going their own way” and they shall be under government “order without power”.

“We Which Are Alive And Remain”                                              Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  2864

The Moon Shall Be Turned To Blood The Sun Shall Not Give Her Light

And I Heard The Number Of Them Which Were Sealed

In The Eleventh Hour At The Eleventh Minute

There’s Nothing That They Can Do To Escape Their Judgment       

Sword And Famine And Wild Beasts And Plague       

Ninth Month Twenty And Fourth Day 

Two Thousand Seven Hundred And One     (2701)

What Is The Purpose Of The United States Of America

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  The “Elite” will suffer greatly even though they thought that their best days were ahead of them.  They will be under government biometric control and everyone will be “going their own way” and they shall be under government “order without power”.  There is nothing they can do to escapte their judgment.  The sword and famine and wild beasts and plague will torment them.  They will question the value of their own country.


“The Coming Of The Lord”                                                            Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  575



Sodom And Gomorrah

False Prophets

“FaithfulI Am The Beginning And The Ending

The Bride And Bridegroom

Palestinian People

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  The “Elite” will suffer greatly even though they thought that their best days were ahead of them.  They will be under government biometric control and everyone will be “going their own way” and they shall be under government “order without power”.  There is nothing they can do to escapte their judgment.  The sword and famine and wild beasts and plague will torment them.  They will question the value of their own country.  There will be many false prophets giving advise but the people will suffer severe judgment even as Sodom and Gomorrah.


“Shall Not Prevent Them Which Are Asleep”                               Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  2657

Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit For Theirs Is The Kingdom Of Heaven

John Chapter Fourteen Verse Four       John 14:4

Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.   The above “Phrases” represent all true Christians.


“The Lord Himself Shall Decend”                                                  Hebrew alphanumerics equals:  635

 The Elohiym

The Anointed One Comes

Amen The True God

Meaning Of Numbers

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.   The above “Phrases” represent all true Christians.  Note: True Bible students really understand the “Meaning of Bible Numbers”.


“Decend From Heaven”                                                                   Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 986

Luke Four Eighteen Signs

God From Heaven


Gospel Of John

God Save America

Yeshua Mathmatic

Divine Order

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  God’s “Judgment” will fall upon the unbelieving world after the “Rapture”


“With A Shout”                                                                                Hebrew alphanumerics  equals:  1466

The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah

And A Little Child Will Lead Them

The Seventh Day

Only God Can Judge Me

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  It is amazing to me how Bible quotes such as “With a Shout” can also be directly related to other Biblical quotes.


“The Voice Of The Archangel”                                                       Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 1214

Arrival Of The Lord

Truth Is A Force Of Nature

And Became His Servant

Day Of Prophesy

Sound Of Righteousness

The End Is When

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.    “When is the End”?  It is when we hear  “The Voice of The Archangel”!


“The Trump Of God”                                                                      Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 700                                                          



God Performs Miracles

Trump Train

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.    Here we see a definate connection between “The Trump of God” and “Harpazo” (a Greek word).  It is interesting that Donald J Trump is our President at the time of the “Rapture”!


“The Dead In Christ Shall Rise First”                                           Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 1074

Number Of A Man Donald Trump

D J Trump

Name Of The Holy Spirit C

Behold Jesus

Last President Trump

Can Trump May Eight

Seven Times

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  When “The Dead In Christ Shall Rise First”, then we which remain shall “Behold Jesus” in all His Glory!  Again, it appears that the “Rapture” happens during President Trump’s Presidency! 


“Caught Up Together With Them”                                                Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 2094

The Lord God Is With You

Yahweh Spoke Existence

The Devil Is Weak And Scared

 Easter Sunday Mmxvii

China Surrounded By U S A Allies On All Borders

To The World Beyond Tears

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.   The Devil Is Weak And Scared” when the “Rapture” occurs because he knows that the end for him is near.  Shortly after the “Rapture” I think that “China Surrounded By U S A Allies On All Borders” will start another World War!


“In The Clouds”                                                                                Hebrew alphanumerics   equals: 529


Im Ready

The Bethlehem Messiah

The Apostles

Pearls And Diamonds

Burning The Bible

The Islam Satan Lie

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.   Note: Islam is Satan’s Lie; unfortunately, billions of people worldwide have fallen for this lie.  I think that one of the first things to happen after the “Rapture” when we are “caught up in the clouds” will be the Burning The Bible!


“So Shall We Ever Be With Lord”                                                 Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 3152

King Jesus Christ Is The God Of A Thousand Names And Golden Ratio Measure

The Son Of Man Hath Power On Earth To Forgive Sins

Jeremiah Twenty Nine Eleven  (Jeremiah 29: 11)

Second Day Of Creation Is Characterized By Division

Consider The Lilies That Cart And Spin Yet You Are Better Than The Lillies

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  As a mathematician I have always thought that perhaps the “Golden Ratio” was somehow directly related to the Lord Jesus Christ!  And this may well be true.  One of the true benefits of being “Ever with the Lord” is that we will have a new glorious body, perhaps just like the “Lillies”!


“Comfort One Another With These Words”                                 Hebrew alphanumerics  equals: 3047

The Only One That Can Save Us Now

All Numbers And Words And Languages Are Infinitely Connected

Believe With His Whole Heart

I Want To Stay If You Stay

New King David Is The Biblical Lords Return In The Flesh

And The Suffering Of The World Would End

Note: All the “Phrases” above have the same Hebrew alphanumeric values.  It is amazing to me that All Numbers And Words And Languages Are Infinitely Connected”.  Also it will be wonderful when “ The Suffering Of The World Would End”.  Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST!


Here is the mathematical sum of all the “Hebrew alphanumerics” listed in the Bible study:

(2859+1581+2247+2681+2864+575+2657+635+986+1466+1214+700+1074+2094+529+3152+3047) = 30,361 and 30361 = (97 x 313), where each of these numbe rs are PRIME!  Also note that there are exactly 17 “Hebrew alphanumerics” used in this Bible study.

When we apply the Trinity Function TF(30,361) we get the value for the Hebrew word H0217, which means: אור 'uwr {ore} from 0215; TWOT - 52d; n m AV - fire(s) 5, light 1; 6 1) flame, light of fire!  Truly if anything really represents our Almighty God it is LIGHT!

Also, if you add each number such as: (1 + 2 + 3 +……….+ 17) = 153,  you will get the “Image of Jesus”!   And don’t forget that the number 17 is the seventh (7th) Prime Number; God’s favorite!

WOW!  Thank you Jesus for giving me meaningful insights in this Bible study!


Charles D Landis