Chance (6 Sep 2020)
"The Legitimate Winner November 3?"

Hello John and Doves,
Just saw an article today:  "Pro-Biden analytics firm Hawkfish says that it's likely President Trump will appear to have won in a landslide on election night but may loose after mail in ballots are counted, which "will take days if not weeks to tally."  "Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus, and it will take days if not weeks to tally these," reports Axios. "This means Trump, thanks to Republicans doing almost all of their voting in person, could hold big electoral college and popular vote leads on election night."
"Hawkfish CEO Josh Mendelsohn said a scenario could unfold where Trump holds a commanding 408-130 electoral vote on election night if only 15% of mail in ballots are counted.  Once all the ballots are counted, the model predicts Biden "as ultimately wining a massive victory, 334-204."   Hawkfish said he is trying to "educate" the public about the threat of Trump declaring an early victory and seeking to delegitimize a Biden victory while alerting the news media and the courts to the "perils of premature results"....Top Democrats have repeatedly amplified their intention not to concede to President Trump if he wins on election night."
Pro-Biden Firm: Trump Will Be Appearing to Win in a Landslide on Election Night – Summit News
I don't understand why this would take days or weeks to collect and count mail in ballots, Colorado is an only 'mail in ballot' state - has been for years.  Our results are punctual.  Ballots have to be received by (i.e. in the hands of) the county clerk and recorder by 7pm election night for the general public (military overseas is a later date) .  Postmarks do not count.  Maybe these Democratic states will not put a deadline on mail in ballots.  And that's how they'll be able to keep counting votes for weeks.
Even though Colorado ballots are mailed out on October 9 for voters, Governor Polis is suing the Post Office - saying any changes by the Post Master General will interfere with the 'people won't get their ballots in a timely manner to vote'.  So getting a ballot 2 - 3 weeks before an election isn't enough time to vote and get the ballot sent back in?  Hmmmm.
MAIL IN BALLOT CONCERNS: Colorado joins multistate lawsuit over USPS changes
That's a pretty pathetic reason to not allow the Post Office to go through with much needed changes.  But, Democrat controlled states have gone out of their way for almost four years to delegitamize Trump's last election.  Many are claiming that "Democrats were preparing to cheat by waiting to see how many votes they needed to overturn Trump, particularly because Hawkfish does work for the DNC as well as pro-Biden Super PACs." 
Pro-Biden Firm: Trump Will Be Appearing to Win in a Landslide on Election Night – Summit News
And I don't understand why Democrats are so much more fearful of coronavirus than Republicans.  Hmmmm.  If people can protest, riot, go to the grocery store, go to a restaurant, they can go to a ballot box.  Follow the rules, as usual.
In looking at Pastor Dana Coverstone's dreams about November:
From Doves letter
More From Pastor Dana Coverstone - Three Dreams 30 Aug 2020:
This first dream happened on August 17 - this time he saw the November calendar - it was bent, torn and dirty.
The finger appeared and circled November 3rd .... Then images appeared - he saw cities on fire and headlines "Trump victory challenged everywhere."  Protesters in the streets.
Pastor Dana then goes on to talk about Biden and Harris' relationship coming to an unfortunate end.  Something bad happens to their 'team'.  And Hillary is somehow involved and 'caught in a trap'.  And there are violent assassination attempts against President Trump.

Durham's investigation may play a part in this.  And the DOJ's investigation of BLM, Antifa and Financiers.  We'll see.
DHS Head: DOJ Is investigating Leaders Of BLM, Antifa, And Financiers – NewsWars
In another dream of November, Pastor Dana saw DC burning, fires everywhere.  Chinese and Russian soldiers were rounding people up.  He saw the blue helmets of the U.N in DC.  He saw no leadership in DC; he saw no sign of President Trump.
Three Prophetic Dreams from Pastor Dana - YouTube
Whether Pastor Dana's dreams come to pass or not, we know that October/November will be really bad months all across the U.S. - especially D.C.  The Democrats are bound and determined, come Hell or High Water, to prevent President Trump from being re-elected.  Desperate people do desperate things.  And BLM/Antifa are becoming more and more violent as they spread their hate and destruction to more and more cities. 
News is coming out about people being hired to participate in protesting/looting/violence.  And of buses shipping people in to states and cities from outside those states and cities.  This is an organized, highly funded attack on America.
Senator Rand Paul on the mob who attacked him: "My feeling is there is interstate criminal traffic being paid for across states lines...they flew here on a plane, they all got fresh new clothes, and they were paid to be here. It is a crime to do that and it needs to be traced."
Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) / Twitter

Trump Says Plane 'Loaded With Thugs' Under Investigation As He Claims People In 'Dark Shadows' Control Biden | Zero Hedge
September is the month to prepare - and do a whole lot of praying!
Bumpy road ahead!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!