Chance (6 Sep 2020)
"The Church and White Privilege and Systemic Racism"

Hello John and Doves,
This is one reason, in my opinion, why we are being asked to:
1)  Pray for the church to have a strong backbone. 
2)  Pray for corruption in the church to be exposed.
Some in the church are jumping on board with 'white privilege' and 'systemic racism'.  Manipulating their congregants 
"New York Priest at Sunday Mass:  "Do you affirm that white privilege is unfair?...will you commit to helping transform our church culture and worship daily at altar of "racial justice."
New York Priest at Sunday Mass: 'Do You Affirm that White Privilege is Unfair?... Will You Worship at the Altar of Racial Justice?" (Video)
Another Roman Catholic, Pastor Kenneth Boller, asked 'Mass participants to join him in a "racial justice" prayer that acknowledged and denounced so-called "white privilege".....There are images of George Floyd and other black men at the front of the church for the Mass participants to set their worshiping gaze upon.
This prayer included the congregation publicly responding to the following questions - here are just 3 - more at the link:
"Do you affirm that white privilege is unfair and harmful to those who have it and to those who do not?  Yes."
"Do you affirm that white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled where it is present?  Yes."
"Therefore, from this day forward, will you strive to understand more deeply the injustice and suffering white privilege and white supremacy cause?  Yes."
Does anyone think this promotes "treating all people with the same respect you expect to receive?"  Or does this "affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person?"  Certainly not!
One person commented on this article:  "the new gods on display at St. Xavier Catholic Church".
Catholic Pastor Gives BLM-Themed ‘Racial Justice’ Prayer Denouncing ‘White Privilege;’ George Floyd Photo Showcased Front Of Church | The Daily Wire
The MSM has been quick to set these black men up as martyrs, as heroes - and now churches are following suit - demanding their congregants worship images of these men at the altar of 'racial injustice' and demanding they take up the, often violent, cause of "dismantling" white supremacy.  And to stand with the anti-God, anti-Christian Marxist organization Black Lives Matter.
As I see this, this is nothing short of a major push to overthrow our government, our culture, our way of life, our history, our religion.  Their 'gods' are easy to see:  George Floyd (gold casket, three huge funerals, extensive TV coverage, one would have thought the Pope died!).  As hundreds of people and officers have been injured and killed; $$ billions in damages; and businesses, cities, statues, the American flag -  torched on the BLM altar as they demand sacrifices to their gods.
"White privilege is the secular white person's Original Sin, present at birth and ultimately ineradicable.  One does one's penance by endlessly attesting to this privilege in hope of some kind of forgiveness."
"Wokeness is a religion of judgment, and the preachers have only contempt for their white flock...Forgiveness is hard to obtain from the strange gods of this new faith....Ignorance of this religious dimension leaves the adherents of woke social justice especially prone to the pitfalls that the traditionally religious are familiar with.  Many stumble.  They become the preachers and the church ladies of wokeness:  smug, sanctimonious, uncharitable and unforgiving - always ready to take offense and call someone out.  And there is no shortage of people willing to undertake the task.  What are we to make of the priests of this harsh religion?"
"Such persons hope for neither justice nor forgiveness, wishing instead to gnaw the decaying bones of their grievances (or the grievances they have appropriated from others) forever.  They don't want harmony.  They don't want justice.  They want to nurture their self-righteous spite."
White Privilege Has Become A Religion, Complete With Church Ladies
What is going on with this 'white privilege' and "systemic racism" in the churches?
Tucker Carlson had a recent guest on his show, Eric Metaxas - who explains this...
"....if they had a swastika on the altar, it would be no different....The people who are using these new terms - systemic racism or white privilege - these are Marxists.  These people do not believe in God, they hate God and on the website, the BLM website, they reject just about everything a Christian would say.  So what they are doing now, it's a power play.  They want to hollow out the church from the inside because the real church is their enemy."
Tucker Carlson guest compares a priest recognizing "white privilege" in Catholic worship service to having a "swastika on the altar" | Media Matters for America
Of course, BLM is a marxist organization seeking to overthrow our government.  They admit this.  BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors said "We actually do have an idiological frame.  We are trained Marxists."
Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter co-founder, featured in GOP ad: 'We are trained Marxists' - Washington Times
One of the founders of BLM in Canada is Yusar Khogali  - she is a Sudanese refugee and a Marxist.  She has openly called whites "sub-human"...."white people are a genetic defect of blackness."  She also has asked Allah to give her strength to not "kill these men and white folks out here today."  She is calling for more violence..and is openly an anti-white activist - calling white people inferior.  She believes that blacks are "superhumans". 
BLM Leader Says Whites ‘Sub-Human,’ Should Be ‘Wiped Out’ | The Daily Wire

Many Democrat controlled cities across America and MSM are supporting and funding BLM rhetoric and are allowing and praising protests that everyone knows are and will be nothing but looting, violence, destruction, blood shed, hate-filled anti-white parades on streets and freeways.  And too many white people have fallen for this deception also - bowing and kissing the feet of THESE people and begging for forgiveness and agreeing to reparations for slavery.  Now we are seeing various churches speaking up for Marxists!  What is happening to the churches?
In their wanting to rid the country of 'white supremacy' - what, exactly, are they trying to rid their people of?  "In the most basic sense, white supremacy is a philosophical, material, ethical, economic, scientific, religious, and political system that works to maintain the dominant and relative superior group position of those identified as 'white' (and their allies) over those marked as 'non-white'."
10 Things Everyone Should Know About White Supremacy –
So there we have it - they want to rid America of our ethics, our material goods, our economy, our scientific endeavors and accomplishments, our government and our religion.  That's just about everything that makes up our way of life here in America.  IF these things are ripped out of America - our basic, God-given freedoms for life and our ability to claim the 'American Dream', all we hold dear will be gone.  The minions of satan will have created another Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia.
Whatever God has in store for America will happen.  Has God removed His hand of protection and blessing from America?  Have we been turned over to a reprobate, depraved mass of minions? 
No matter what is coming to America, we need the churches to stand up against this white supremacy and systemic racism.  It is a deception and lie.  Feeble attempts will not do.  We/the churches need to stand together!
Attacks on 'white' ministries and ministers is unrelenting!  White people today are blamed for what happened hundreds of years ago.  The hate from some blacks (and whites!) is horrendous!  Take a look at one article written by a black minister, Rev. Dennis Dillon, to White Christian ministers.  This black minister keeps referring to the Bible, but there is nothing of Jesus' words in his words in this letter or in his heart.  He wrote:  "The 400 years of enslavement and hostile domination is over, and as a prophetic voice, I am calling for all White faith leaders and the global European Church to enter a new season of repentance, restitution, reparation, and restoration."
Saying we are 'sorry for what happened', 'it should never have happened' is not enough for people like this minister.  I suppose they want us to repent on our knees, kissing their feet - they want restitution from us i.e. they want us to hand over our homes, our jobs, our businesses, our neighborhoods, all of our hard earned money.  They want to be able to break the law without being held responsible by the courts.  They want reparations - money for not a single one of them having been a slave!  And restoration -  maybe that means return these particular people to homes/land/farms in Africa.  Who knows.  This letter speaks of nothing but butthurtness and revenge!  I don't see the Jewish people going after the Egyptians for reparations and paybacks for some 400 years that they were slaves!  And these are not the only people that have had extreme repression over the thousands of years of mankind's existence!  To see this minister referring to the Bible to support hate towards another race of people is reprehensible.
An open letter to White Evangelical leaders - New York Christian Times
 We are in a fight for our country and for our God.
This is just an example of why we need to -
1)  Pray for the church to have a strong backbone. 
2)  Pray for corruption in the church to be exposed.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!