Chance (6 Sep 2020)
"Covid-19,  The Seconod Wave, And "The Great Reset" - Connecting the Dots"


Hello John and Doves,
THEY keep telling us a 'second wave' is coming and it will be far worse than the first.
THEY have been controlling us with fear, as now we are learning from the CDC that only 6% of 'COVID-19 deaths' were actually COVID-19 deaths.  And that 90% of the people testing positive through PCR testing don't even have enough virus to make them sick or anyone else!  THEY are using the rapid increase in 'positives' to keep control over the people, the states, the countries, the governments.
Now, the MSM is reporting the start of the 'second wave'.  Can I say "right on time"? September was the 'promised' month for the second wave.  
"A second COVID-19 wave in Spain holds a warning for U.S....As national health emergency coordinator Dr. Fernanco Simon recently put it, "things are not going well."  In fact, it is going so not well, that some towns across Spain are locking down again, this time on their own accord.  Public officials shy away from the term "second wave,"....but with new cases surging toward 9,000 a's becoming a cautionary tale for the rest of the world, with a higher rate of new infections, per capita, than even the United States."
A second COVID-19 wave in Spain holds a warning for U.S. - AOL News
So now, Spain is being "red-listed", with countries warning their citizens to not go there and France is mulling over shutting it's border with Spain. 
And note the repeated references to "Spanish Flu" as officials warn us of a 'second wave'.
"Millions of people could die if the coronavirus pandemic sees a second wave with cooler temperatures in September, the World Health Organisation has warned.  Dr. Ranieri Guerra, WHO assistant director for strategic initiatives, said the pandemic had so far spread as health officials had expected....He told Italy's Rai TV:  "The comparison with the Spanish Flu, which behaved exactly like Covid:  it went down in summer and fiercely resumed in September and October, creating 50 million deaths during the second wave...Mr. Guerra's comments were echoed by European Central Bank chief Christine Lagarde who said today that "of course there could be a severe second wave if we learn anything from the Spanish Flu of 1918/19."
Millions more could die in coronavirus second wave if pandemic spikes with lower temperatures in September
Interesting...not only is WHO warning us, but also the European Central Bank!
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government's top infectious disease expert, said on Tuesday we "can't deny the fact" that the COVID-19 pandemic could reach the level of the Spanish flu, which killed millions of people around the globe between 1918 and 1920."
Fauci Says COVID-19 Could Reach Level of 1918 Spanish Flu, the 'Mother of All Pandemics'
And it was Dr. Fauci that warned us back in 2017 of a coming pandemic.  "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government's top infectious disease specialist, warned in early 2017 that a "surprise outbreak" would occur during the Trump administration..."There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,"  he said in a speech titled "Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration" at Georgetown University Medical Center.  He delivered is just days before Trump was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017."
Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration | HuffPost
And how convenient for THEM that, "A new strain of flu identified as having the potential to cause a fresh pandemic has characteristics of the deadly 1918 Spanish flu, a top US health official said.  Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading adviser on coronavirus to US President Donald Trump, said that the virus called "G4 EA H1N1" also had similarities to the 2009 swine flu virus.  Both the 1918 and 2009 viruses caused major pandemics infecting millions of people.  Spanish flu infected a third of the world's population and is thought to have caused 50 million deaths.  However, Dr. Fauci stressed there was not an "immediate threat" from G4."
G4 swine flu: New virus found in China similar to Spanish flu
Dr. Fauci was the one who told Americans that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, was not of a concern to Americans and that "In an interview in National Geographic, the top doc rubbished suggestions that the virus was created at a facility in Wuhan - insisting COVID-19 is naturally-occurring and has not been "deliberately manipulated."
Dr Fauci says there’s ‘NO evidence’ coronavirus was created in Wuhan laboratory – The US Sun
"However, Dr. Fauci stressed there was not an "immediate threat" from G4.  There has been no evidence it has been transmitted between humans which is a key cause of a pandemic."
G4 swine flu: New virus found in China similar to Spanish flu
This particular virus is infecting pig farmers in China - so far, they are only getting the virus from pigs. But, with a bit of gene manipulation....we could have human-to-human spread.
"Bill Gates presented a simulation by the Institute for Disease Modeling that found that a new flu like the one that killed 50 million people in the 1918 pandemic would most likely kill 30 million people within six months...The one time the military tried a sort of simulated war game against a smallpox pandemic, the final score was "smallpox one, humanity zero," Gates said....Melinda Gates recently said that the threat of a global pandemic, whether it emerges naturally or is engineered, was perhaps the biggest risk to humanity." 
Bill Gates warns that the next pandemic disease is coming - Business Insider
The Institute for Disease Modeling is part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Health Division.
And WHO is warning us about a new flu virus discovered in China..."While scientist say there is no imminent threat, the Chinese biologists who conducted the research warned "close monitoring in human populations, especially the workers in swine industry, should be urgently implemented."
WHO warns ‘we cannot let our guard down’ after new flu virus discovered in China | The Independent | Independent
G4 could be THEIR next pandemic coronavrius.  Humans lack immunity to G4 viruses and seasonal flu vaccines provide no protection for these viruses.   "If needed, CDC will work to create a new CVV (candidate vaccine virus) made specifically against G4 viruses."
CDC Takes Action to Prepare Against “G4” Swine Flu Viruses in China with Pandemic Potential | CDC
 Now, back to our current pandemic: 
So what if the COVID-19 test is positive?
"Health experts say PCR testing - the most widely used diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the U.S. - are too sensitive and need to be adjusted to rule out people who have insignificant amounts of the virus in their systems because they're likely not contagious.....PCR tests analyze genetic material from the virus in cycles and today's tests typically take 37 or 40 cycles, but experts say this is too high because it detects very small amounts of the virus that don't pose a risk....Last Monday the CDC changed its guidelines, which now say that if you were exposed but don't have symptoms, 'you do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual...".
Experts say US's coronavirus positivity rate is high because tests are 'too sensitive' | Daily Mail Online
In other words, just because you test positive doesn't mean you are sick or that you can infect others.  90% of people tested for COVID-19 carry "barely any traces of the virus".
"It has been revealed that the standard tests being used in the US to diagnose COVID-19 are far too sensitive...This means that only a fraction of the daily "cases" being reported so hysterically in the mainstream media are actual, bona fide COVID-19 sufferers, and need treatment and to separate themselves from others. 
"Data from three US states - New York, Nevada, and Massachusetts - shows that when the amount of the virus found in a person is taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who have tested positive should actually have been negative, as they are carrying only tiny amounts of the virus, are not contagious, pose no risk to others, and have no need to isolate....So the scale of the pandemic 'problem' is actually much smaller than we've been led to believe - about a tenth of what all the politicians and media have been using to justify the lockdowns, the quarantines, the mass testing...The FDA has only now been forced to concede that they have no idea how different testing companies determine which the positive and negatives tests are:  they just accept whatever data they are given."  
"What these findings bring is absolute assurance that the testing to this point has been an utter waste of time, and that not one statistic concerning this pandemic - from cases to deaths to infection rates - can be believed."
Up to 90% of people who test positive for Covid barely carry any virus & are not contagious. Every stat about the disease is bogus — RT Op-ed
Now that it is finally coming out in the news that's the public has been manipulated and lied to...what will THEY do next to keep us in control?
We don't know if the whole of the Democratic Party is involved with this or not.  I doubt it.  It's the 'globalists' that are running with this.  And the Democrats are latching on to it to their advantage to destroy President Trump and get Biden elected - which fits with the globalist agenda of taking down the U.S. to bring the 'whole world' under their control.
The bigger problem, as I see it, is not the Democrats - it's the globalists - those behind this virus, those who created it, released it, pushed the agenda for this Plandemic.  Those pushing the 'vaccine'; those pushing for a cashless society; those pushing for total control of the population through tracking and marking.
Many Democrats don't even realize they are pawns in the bigger picture.  And that goes for BLM and ANTIFA.
"But what do globalists have to gain directly from a coronavirus pandemic beyond simple chaos that can be exploited? ...The globalist establishment has created the largest financial bubble in modern history through central bank stimulus, inflating a highly unstable artificial rally in markets while creating new highs in national debt, corporate debt and consumer debt.  ...and the "Everything Bubble" is showing signs of implosion.  It is only a matter of time before the farce collapses by itself.  The globalists need scapegoats, but they also need an event or wave of events so distracting that people will not be able to discern what really happened."
"The reason why globalists want a collapse is simple - They need crisis in order to manipulate the masses into accepting total centralization, a global monetary system and global governance.  They are also rabid believes in eugenics and population reduction.  At the very least, a global pandemic is a useful happenstance for them...Consider this:  Even if a pandemic does not kill a large number of people, it still disrupts international travel, it disrupts exports and imports, it disrupts consumer behavior and retail sales, and it disrupts domestic trade.  If it does kill a large number of could result in global martial law.  With many economies including the US economy already in a precarious balancing act of historic debt vs crashing demand and useless central bank repo market intervention, there is little chance that the system can withstand such a tsunami."
"Make no mistake, the crash has already begun, whether the virus hits the US hard or not."  Date of article 1/29/2020
How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda | Zero Hedge
The US and world financial collapse and the death of the dollar, in my opinion, is in our near future.  We are fast approaching THEIR "total centralization", "global governance", and "population reduction".
Keep an eye on the World Economic Forum and their "Great Reset Initiative":   "There is an urgent need for global stakeholders (the globalists) in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.  To improve the state of the world, the Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative."
"The Great Reset" will be the theme of a unique twin summit in January 2021, convened by the World Economic Forum.  "The Great Reset" is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundation of our economic and social system for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future. ""We only have one planet and we know that climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind.  We have to decarbonize the economy in the short window still remaining and bring our thinking and behaviour once more into harmony with nature...In order to secure our future and to prosper, we need to evolve our economic model and put people and planet at the heart of global value creation....The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call.  We must build more equal, inclusive, and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face. "  Quote from Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations."
"The announcement of The Great Reset was made by HRH The Prince of Wales and Professor Schwab (founder of the World Economic Forum)  during a virtual meeting, followed by statement by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva."
About | World Economic Forum
So we see that Prince Charles, the World Economic Forum, the UN, the IMF are all pushing this 'reset'.  And we can be sure Bill Gates, Soros are in the details also.
If you check out the bottom of this article - you'll see who the "stakeholder groups of global society" are. (more at link)
The CEO of Mastercard - see my previous letter to Doves "Africa Testing Ground For COVID-19 Vaccine, Tracking, and Cashless Payments"  26 July 2020
Africa Testing Ground For COVID-19 Vaccine, Tracking, and Cashless Payments
And the Chinese!  Chairman of the China Society for Finance and Banking and member of the  People's Bank of China.
The President of Microsoft, USA. 
CEO of British Petroleum 
CEO of Chipsafer.  What is "Chipsafer"?  It's a company that makes implantable microchips for cattle - to detect movement, behavioral changes, physiological changes, etc. in cattle.  So why is this company involved in The Great Reset?  These microchips can do the same in people.
LoRa Technology and Chipsafer Connect Cattle to the Cloud | Semtech
General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation
International Trade Union Confederation - Building Workers’ Power

These are powerful global organizations/people.  So here we see that the 'elitists' of the world are pushing for population control, global dominion, one world government, cashless society, etc.  And the pandemic is a useful tool to reach their goals.
Nothing happens outside of God's will.  This looks like we're headed right into what the prophets of the Bible warned us was coming.
Brace yourself!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Just came across this article - pretty sobering:   
UN-Backed “Great Reset” to Usher in New World Order - Business Game Changers with Sarah Westall