Chance (27 Sep 2020)
"Censorship - Will Only Get Worse"

Hello John and Doves,
Looks like FOX news is censoring free speech like the Leftist news channels  And they are protecting George Soros!
In a most bizarre interview on FOX's "Outnumbered", we saw another side of FOX.
Newt Gingrich was the guest on "Outnumbered" and he commented about George Soros funding far-leftist District Attorney's campaigns across the U.S. - numerous articles were written about this very subject by the Washington Times, Politico, even FOX news earlier this year. Gingrich was shut down by those women on the show.
This news about Soros is not a conspiracy theory. 
This was shocking to see on FOX - the disrespect and 'you can't say that' on our show.  Harris Faulkner made excuses a day or so later for her behavior and for what happened - how "we don't censor" when they clearly do .  There is no excuse for this.  We all can see what happened.  Never seen this side of Faulkner or the other women  before; even Faulkner's 'apology' was strained - something is terribly wrong on FOX.  Guess it was just a matter of time until the facade gave way.
(197) When Newt Gingrich Mentions ‘George Soros,’ Fox News Hosts Go Silent, Refuse to Discuss - YouTube

Interesting that FOX actually covered this story of "DAs backed by Soros...." July 30.
DAs backed by Soros, other liberal activists join fray in clash with police | Fox News\
"Soros, through the Justice & Public Safety PAC and other groups, has been spending millions of dollars on prosecutorial races in recent years, with a number of beneficiaries making headlines since their elections."
Beware of George Soros' Trojan Horse Prosecutors | The American Conservative
"The answer is that wealthy radicals led by billionaire George Soros have poured over $100 million in hard-to-trace dark money to fund political activities in races for state and local prosecutors.  Their goal?  To install far-left prosecutors to undermine the American justice system at every level.  This may sound like another conspiracy theory.  But the facts are well documents." 
Free speech is disappearing in the 'news'.   It's all controlled. 
"It's worth noting that Soros spent more than $16 million on 17 district attorney races across the US between 2014 and 2018, and his candidates won 13 of them. ....Soros spent more than $2.7 million on DA races in California in 2018 alone.."Newt Gingrich is an all-American HERO for linking Billionaire George Soros to BLM riots on Fox News!  And he's obviously right because look how they shut him down!"  House candidate James Bradley wrote.  "....Why can the LA Times write and talk about George Soros funding District Attorney races back in 2018 but Newt Gingrich can't talk about it on Fox News?  Is there something we need to know about Soros and Fox?"  ...."Kudos to Newt Gingrich for bringing up Soros and his plan to buy up all DAs all over the country."
Fox News slammed as Newt Gingrich is barred from discussing 'George Soros-backed' DAs: 'Who's writing the check?' | MEAWW
These same Soros DAs are not prosecuting BLM/ANTIFA criminals - revolving door for them.  But they are prosecuting law-abiding citizens protecting their lives and property.   Anarcho-tyranny in America.
2 Timothy 3:1-3:  But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good."
These are definitely perilous times!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
The American Thinker covered this in their September 17 article, "Thanks, Fox News, for reminding us of the Soros role in creating America's riot-coddling DAs".
Thanks, Fox News, for reminding us of the Soros role in creating America's riot-coddling DAs - American Thinker