Hello John and Doves,Johnson & Johnson (along with Janssen Pharmaceuticals) has begun Phase 3 testing of their COVID-19 vaccine, with some 60,000 volunteers. Their vaccine doesn't require two doses a month apart, like Pfizer's and Moderna's. You would get it all in one dose. And their vaccine doesn't require those extremely low temperatures for storage - only 'basic" refrigeration.Johnson & Johnson's vaccine involves the combined genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 with a genetically altered common cold adenovirus. The injection of this adenovirus with COVID-19 genetic material will result in the human body producing antibodies. At least that's the idea.''"The Johnson & Johnson vaccine trials are sponsored in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (Dr. Fauci is the director of NIAID.)" "The Food and Drug Administration has said an effective vaccine needs to protect at least 50 percent of people to be considered effective. Companies are working toward a higher percentage, at 60 percent."So....the vaccine, maybe, will protect half those who take it. Pretty pathetic odds. It's basically a coin toss if it will work for someone. And they are expecting it to take four to five years to get everyone on the planet vaccinated. With only half immune......After AstraZeneca suspended it's human trials, 'safety reviewers' said it's safe to resume the trials in the UK. Other countries may soon restart the AstraZeneca trials. As AstraZeneca has agreed to supply some THREE BILLION doses for use around the world. "The World Health Organization (WHO) has flagged AstraZenaca's as the most promising." https://canoe.com/news/world/astrazeneca-resumes-trials-of-covid-vaccine-halted-by-patient-illness
AstraZeneca resumes UK trials of COVID vaccine halted by patient illness | Canoe.Com
The United States has still not given AstraZeneca the go-ahead to restart their clinical trials, as of Sept 24, 2020 per the Chief Executive, Pascal Soriot. "We are the sponsor of the U.S. study. We then provided all of this information to the FDA and we are waiting to hear their decision," Soriot told a virtual World Economic Forum discussion." https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/astrazeneca-still-waiting-for-fda-decision-to-resume-u-s-trial
AstraZeneca still waiting for FDA decision to resume U.S. trial | Financial Post
The United States is looking to fast-track authorization/approval of a vaccine before November 3 - the day of the presidential election.Maybe the World Economic Forum doesn't think there will be a working vaccine for COVID-19 in time for their Great Reset Davos summit, January 26-29, 2021 as they postponed it until early summer of 2021 because of COVID-19...and they may end up cancelling it all together for 2021! Interesting, as the movers and shakers of the world, the giant corporations, billionaires, celebrities and activists were to be the attendees. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/davos-summit-cancelled-in-2021-2020-9-1029610670#
The World Economic Forum's flagship Davos summit might not take place at all next year, according to Swiss media | Markets Insider
"In the 20 years that vaccine makers have tried to develop a coronavirus vaccine, efforts have failed due to dangerous, many times lethal, side effects. Adding to the problem is that many of them are relying on novel mRNA technology that has never been used in vaccines before. Making matters worse, the vaccine are not safety tested against inert placebo, as is the gold standard for drug safety research. Oxford University's mRNA vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, for example, is being compared to a meningitis vaccine. As discussed in "Dangerous Placebos Used in Medical Trials," using an active substance such as another vaccine destroys any hope of a valid safety study. This is just one way in which vaccine makers cheat in their safety studies to minimize the appearance of adverse effects.""In the case of a COVID-19 vaccine, establishing safety is of utmost importance, as previous coronavirus vaccines have caused paradoxical immune enhancement - a situation in which the vaccine actually makes you more susceptible to severe illness and death once you're infected with the actual virus....and "mRNA vaccines have potential safety issues, including local and systemic inflammation and stimulation of auto-reactive antibodies and autoimmunity, as well as development of edema (swelling) and blood clots." (this quote and the one directly above from: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/21/coronavirus-vaccine-patent.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200921Z1&mid=DM660562&rid=969747067
Why Are Moderna Executives Dumping Their Stock?So what is "immune enhancement"? "Immune Enhancement" is the opposite of what it sounds like - it is actually extremely dangerous. When a person is vaccinated they usually develop antibodies to the antigen they are vaccinated for. Those antibodies should be able to fight off the virus in the future if the individual ever comes in contact with the wild, natural virus. However in some cases the opposite happens. The antibodies produced from the vaccine enhance the entry of the virus and increase the replication of the virus! So being vaccinated does the exact opposite of what the vaccination is purported to do; the vaccine actually makes the infection far worse. The actual name for this phenomenon is antibody dependent enhancement." (link below)There is reasonable speculation that COVID-19 was much worse in China (thus the HUGE shutdown/quarantine of tens of millions of people in the large cities) because they have previously vaccinated their people with a coronavirus. Maybe to make them immune to the COVID-19 virus - as there is information coming out that the Chinese weaponized this virus in their BioSafety Level 4 lab in Wuhan and then the Chinese military released it.Dr. James Weiler-Lyons "has put forth a hypothesis explaining why the new coronavirus has been more deadly in China than in other parts of the world..He postulates those who died may have been previously injected with a coronavirus trail vaccine....it is possible China secretly executed a large phase-2 clinical trail or, heaven forbid, an even larger phase-3 clinical trial where hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens were vaccinated. If this is the case, and these same people were reinfected with the novel coronavirus, it is possible they experienced an antibody enhancement reaction or some other secondary challenge relating to the vaccine they would have received in the potential trial." quotes above from: https://thefedupdemocrat.home.blog/2020/03/14/coronavirus-vaccine-trial-risks/
Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Risks – Fed Up Democrat
This would certainly explain China's abhorrent cover up of COVID-19 and their 'allowing it' to spread from China around the world. "A Chinese scientist in hiding in the United States told Tucker Carlson that COVID-19 was created in a lab and that China's Communist government released the "Frankenstein" virus "intentionally" to "make such harm". Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a medical doctor and virologist, alleged that the international scientific community knows SARS-CoV-2 virus is man-made, but doesn't want this information to be made public. Dr. Yan and two colleagues have released this report for this man-made virus. She said "This is created in the lab, this is from, technically owned by the Chinese military and also it is spread to the world to make such damage," she told Carlson. It was deliberate, intentional. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/scientist-who-fled-china-chinese-communists-intentionally-released-frankenstein-covid-19
Scientist who fled China: Chinese Communists ‘intentionally’ released ‘Frankenstein’ COVID-19 | News | LifeSite
Others have accused China of creating this virus in their lab. Months ago, several virologists and epidemiologist suggested this/accused China of this and even the former M16 head claims COVID-19 was created in a Chinese labAll of this sheds more light on this virus, it's origins and why China has acted the way it has, for example, in January, 2020, China began buying up PPE from around the world before other countries knew what was happening. And they began quarantining/literally trapping tens of millions of people inside cities - it appears that THEY knew what they had unleashed on their own people. Yet, reporting relatively few deaths. And then there were the stories of the crematories. Things just never added up. And there have been reports of Chinese trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing 'secrets'. Seems they are desperate for a vaccine as, it is possible, that their's did not work! "Chinese hacker accused of stealing information from Spanish centers working on Covid-19 vaccine. Intelligent service says computer system have been repeatedly attacked in the health and pharmaceutical sectors, ..." https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-09-18/chinese-hackers-accused-of-stealing-information-from-spanish-centers-working-on-covid-19-vaccine.html
Coronavirus vaccine in Spain: Chinese hackers accused of stealing information from Spanish centers working on Covid-19 vaccine | Society | EL PAÍS in English
"The FBI recently accused Chinese hackers of targeting U.S. coronavirus research."
Christopher Wray, FBI director: Chinese, Russian hackers pose very real threat to COVID-19 research - Washington TimesIt appears that China is desperate for a 'working' vaccine because something stinks in China.And remember - this virus is incurable. We have treatments....that's why many are pushing so hard for a vaccine. Like so many viruses - example herpes, there is no cure and no vaccine.President Trump is hoping for a vaccine to be approved by the FDA before the election. I do not believe that he understands the 'process' and how dangerous fast-paced vaccines (and vaccines in general) can actually be. The 'emergency use' approval is already skipping steps in the testing process. Hopefully he will not overrule the FDA on a vaccine. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/09/23/covid-19-florida-schools-vaccine-strict-rules-fda/3498403001/
COVID-19 news: J&J single-shot vaccine; FDA; RBG viewing; CDC testingPray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance