Chance (27 Sep 2020)
"Do You Have A Letter For Those 'Left Behind'?"

Hello John and Doves,

I know a few Christians that have 'Left Behind' letters strategically placed in their office, their car, their wallet, on their kitchen table...just in case.  And some have emailed and mailed 'instructions' to be read when 'millions go missing'.
We don't know when these people will 'need' them, but it's probably a good time to get them ready, if you haven't already done this.
There are family members and friends that are going to miss this event...and they'll need to know The Truth. 
According to The Revelation, millions and millions of people will choose Jesus during the Tribulation and not follow the Antichrist and take his mark.  They will be the Christians encouraging others to accept Jesus and to have hope.  They will be setting up and involved with the underground/home churches.  They can follow the prophetic events in the world, right there in their Bibles - to the very day.  And encourage others.
I have a friend with three far Left/Liberal kids - all in their 30s - two are the screaming, foul-mouthed, hate-filled people we have seen on the news.  Their unrelenting streams of vitriol are shocking!  I watched these kids grow up - this is just heart breaking.  I told her, this is a spiritual battle - not a 'political views' difference.  She told me she could never point them to God's Word and tell them about His love for them. She could never tell them the ABCs of salvation.  And that she could never tell them about Bible prophecy.  She told me she could never do any of this.  They would not listen.
But, if not their mother, then who?  They have no church, no minister, no Christian friends.  And when the Rapture happens and they miss it - they'll be thinking - why didn't Mom tell us??
I told her maybe she should get some letters ready for them - and pray....and many of us are facing this same difficult situation. 
I believe that after the Rapture, there will be a whole lot of heavy-duty praying going on in Heaven for those 'Left Behind'!  They will not be forgotten or left on their own to fend against the evil.
Plant the seed - have Faith - and LET GOD!
Here are a few examples if you'd like help writing a letter - or just copying one of these.  I'm doing this today - they'll be ready for whomever God brings to find them.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Chance    My Letter to You (If You've Been Left Behind) - UNSEALED - World News | Christian News | Prophecy Updates
You Have Been Left Behind - Rapture Ready
A letter for those left behind, after the rapture – The Narrow Way
Left Behind at the Rapture of the Church: A Letter Written To Those Left Behind On The Earth
(I have not read through these, just listing as examples.)