Barry Amundsen (20 Sep 2020)
"1977 Book Predicted Today's World Condition"

So I'm rereading an old book (copyright 1977) off my shelf by Robert Anton Wilson called Cosmic Trigger and I come to page 157 where he describes a book he is supposed to review. 
Here's a section:

My book review desk at the San Francisco Phoenix the 
next day had a volume entitled The Day the Dollar Dies by 
somebody named Willard Cantelon. Flipping through it, I saw 
that it was about my old buddies, the Bavarian Illuminati. 
I read Mr. Cantelon's version of the Illuminati Conspiracy with some interest. It appears that the Illuminati are currently plotting to wreck the international financial system and 
cause the disruption or fall of all the strong governments in the world. When chaos is complete, contact with Higher Intel-
ligences in outer space will be announced. 
But, says Mr. Cantelon, these Higher Intelligences are actually Satan and his fallen angels, who will appear on Earth 
as superhuman and benign beings; the masses will accept them as saviors, not recognizing their Evil Nature; and then we are done for. Satan will institute One World Government and 
One World Religion—those twin bugaboos of the extreme 
Right—after which money will be abolished and a computerized credit system will come into effect everywhere. 
Everybody will be tattooed on the forehead and wrist 
with a credit number, and every "purchase" will consist only 
in having the numbers scanned by computers placed in every 
store or bank. This is the key to a tyranny that can never be 
resisted, because any rebel will merely have his credit cut off, 
and will be unable to buy food, clothing or shelter. 
All this, Mr. Cantelon assures us, is foretold in Revelations, chapter 13, 16-17: 
He causeth all small and great, rich and poor, free 
and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in 
their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell 
save he that had the mark or the number.