John and Doves,
In the article above, you will see that Dr. Francis S.Collins is the Director ofN I H, the National Institutes of Health.As such he is also Anthony Fauci's boss.
Collins directs Fauci to voice the dictates of the covid vaccine to 7 Billion people.A huge scepter of power.
A Powerful ManBut Collins also wears another hat. He is the(dare I say 'minister'-)-Founder of BioLogos,
a "christian" group of 2,700signators for the alchemy of mixing religion with science, in a godless way.
These "christians" are promoting everyone to take the mystery covid vaccine.
Why do I call it a mystery?Because it will not be tested in the traditional manner of 7 year trials.No one---I repeat, no one --knows its' results.Kinda makes you feel like a guinea pig.
These 2700 "christians" all signed a mystery document. It is called"A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times" , and reads like the song"Love Potion number 9"......for the luv of all.
Why do I call it a mystery?Because it is a mystery to me that their opening statement says that they uphold the authority of God's word.
Yet when Darrel Falk (president of BioLogos) explains his theory,
he says that Creation is also evolution, a "theist-evolution".
PLAYING GODWhat that really means -- but never outrightly spoken--is that man is a co-creator with God through science.That is why the covid vaccine will try to"re-create" your D N A.They will try to make a new you that no longer is you.Are they really co-creators?No. It is "Junk Science".
Co-creation is a lie, and the father of all lies is the devil, John 8:44.
"I am the LORD that maketh all things...that frustrates the tokens of the liars and makes diviners mad.That turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish."Isaiah 44: 24, 25.
So they are disingenuousfrom the git-go.For in the vial of the vaccine are properties likem R N A which changes one's D N A.And, as any good witch- doctor will tell you, they don't really know what the concoction will bring about, as they play cherry-picker with your genomesequencing. Think G M O.
Now, it also is a mystery to me that many of the signators are members of Trump's advisory group called"Congress of Christian Leaders".By the way, Trump is a strong catalyst to get this vaccine to the global market. His Administration is funding most - if not all- of the major pharmaceutical companies involved.( links available).
Sam Rodriguez, the chairman of the Congress of Christian Leaders, is also the president of the "International Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference".
Even the pope promotes the global acceptance of this evil vaccine.Yes, let's get the conscience and guilt involved. Now, the power of the scepter is total tyranny....body and soul.
Politics makes strange bedfellows, and they all wind up together in a cozy little vial.
Proverbs 19:2"It is dangerous and sinful to rush into the unknown."
This vial is vile.--------------------------
Isaiah 44:6--8"I am the First and I am the Last. And beside Me there is no God....Is there a God beside Me ? yea, there is no [other] God.I know not any."
Isaiah 45:5, 6"I am the LORD and there is none else. There no God beside Me.
Isaiah 45:12"I have made the earth, and created man upon it.I, even My hands have stretched out the heavens. and all their hosts have I commanded."
Isaiah 46: 9, 10"I am God, and there isnone else."I am God and there is none like Me.Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying,"My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure."There is none beside me"