A Goodrick (13 Sep 2020)
"Two shots in one month, Vaccine plus Booster; And also thank you, Chance."

John and Doves,


The article above tells how this global vaccine will be administered by the C D C
and The Immunization Action Coalition.

The first half of the innoculation is free and is paid for by the government, who wants to help you. They record the date and also the next due date for the Booster shot.

The second half of the immunization program is given approximately 3 weeks later, and all is recorded in a data base.

But first you must enroll in the program and sign some papers. 
Most likely these papers say that the 
Immunization program is not liable for anything, since they've already disclosed that in the news.

Then you must make an appointment so that your personalized vaccine is the correct vial.

(There are various vaccines made by various pharmaceutical companies...[ Pfizer, Moderna etc.]
so they want to make sure you get the right one. They want to help you.)

McKesson---largest distributor of pharmaceuticals-- will be contracting with Walgreens, C V S and others for distribution places.
A. Goodrick
Thank you for your extensive research and summary on the Covid vaccine. An excellent overall view!!
